To Trache or Not to Trache?

That was the question posed to Iain by his critical care doctor, Ahmed, today. He was given the options, pros and cons and we allowed Iain to make the decision. Wisely he opted for the trache (sp?). That is scheduled for tomorrow and we expect it to allow him to wean from the vent more rapidly than if he were to remain with the tube down his throat. Yesterday Ahmed left around 4 pm after giving us a frank assessment of how the neuroleptic malignancy syndrome had really set back his recovery significantly. Today he expressed his astonishment at Iain sitting up, lucid and able to write pretty well compared to yesterday. Iain still has a long way to go before being weaned but it is marvelous to be able to get his imput into his care. He is very motivated to get his strength back.

I have to thank Sarah for her kind words, (they made be tearful), for reminding me to breath on Thursday and helping me communicate with all of you lovely people. Also thank you to COTA for helping us with this blog and helping children like Iain to navigate the transplant process.

Oh wonderful, the staff just jumped into action as John yelled at a play during the Super Bowl. I had to remind him this is a critical care unit.

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