What a difference 24 hours can make…

(update by John)

What a difference 24 hours has made. Yesterday at this time Seema and I were terrified. Now not as much. The hypothesis that Iain has suffered from acute lung injury due to extreme blood transfusion volume appears valid. He is now on continuous dialysis to protect his kidneys and has been turned over to a prone position. 12 people and 2 hours to turn him from back to stomach!

All of his numbers are dramatically improved. His oxygen saturation and CO2 clearing are at very good level and his lung compliance (the elasticity of his lungs) is better than expected given the injury.

This phase of the recovery is going to be gradual and hopefully entirely without drama. The doctors are always careful to set expectations regarding timeframes, but we can expect this to take “days to weeks.”

As always, thank you for your support and kind words. We are reading all of your comments to him. Although he is in an induced paralytic state, he can hear us.

I’m sure he’s sick and tired of Seema and me nagging him to breath. At least he can’t talk back! 🙂


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