Our Story

Sam sat next to the beeping machine, bleary-eyed and sore, wishing she could scoop up and hold the little boy lying on the bed next to her. He was finally sleeping, as she should be, but her mind was racing with worry. She wondered if he was in pain. She glanced at his distended, swollen belly before looking down at her own and wondered how she would be able to leave...

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Two Years Post


Kaiden hit the two year mark post transplant February 13th. Time feels like it's flying by! Kaiden's doing well, he's still on a lot of medication and continues... Continue Reading »

Two Years Post


Readmitted 8/18


Readmitted 8/18


On Thursday, August 18 Kaiden's lab work came back with some concerning levels. Doctors took a biopsy of his liver and found moderate to severe signs of rejection. ... Continue Reading »

A day in the life of a pediatric liver transplant patient


It's 6:45am and his mom is walking into his room, speaking softly as she rouses him. It's time for his weekly doctor checkup and infusions and they have... Continue Reading »

In the Hospital


Finally Home




Unanswered Questions


We still dont know what caused Kaiden's acute liver failure, but we know now we're not the only ones looking for answers. As of 21 April 2022, at least... Continue Reading »