The Road to Recovery

Just a quick update to let you know how the Lord is orchestrating our miraculous road to recovery!!!!

I am doing better day by day. I am up and going and engaged; however, I’m definitely operating at a slower pace, and by the end of the day my abdominal pain starts ramping up. I still have restrictions on what I can lift and I’m not cleared to drive yet, so that limits my greatly in terms of doing my “normal” things. Fortunately, I’ve been able to work around all of this with the help of many.

Shafer is doing exceptionally well! He is toddling all over the place and saying more words than we can count. That million dollar smile is bigger than ever and he seems to be throwing out more sugar pops than before. His urine output is amazing, so the kidney is working out well. We’re still having clinic appointments twice a week, and this week we have additional 1-month follow-up appointments with his transplant surgeon and urologist. As a point of prayer, his liver numbers are significantly elevated again which can be due to medicines, but until those numbers level out, his medical team will have to keep a close check on him.

One final note — The Tennessean did a fabulous article on July 10 called “Siblings of Sick Kids Need Their Own TLC” 

( It really highlights Shayli’s role as the leader in the family. It was great information and a timely reminder that this is a difficult time for all children who have a sick brother or sister. In addition, The Polk County News (my hometown newspaper) ran a great story a couple of weeks ago (’_progress/9914.html). Both of these can also be found on, so feel free to check there often for recent media clips.

Thanks for all the continued prayers and support. You have blessed us with your love and given us the strength to carry on in the midst of hardship.

You mean the world to us…

Shafer’s Mommy

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