Our Story

Bianca had cold hands and feet for a while, sometimes to the point where her extremities, lips, or cheeks were purple or blue. She had (what we thought) was a nagging winter cold. Nothing alarming. Her pediatrician helped to cautiously eliminate the other factors that helped lead us to where we are today without scaring us at the front. He suggested we go get a heart echocardiogram.  From there, things...

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Ear infection and pneumonia


Unfortunately, Bianca's not enjoying 2024 yet. First she had an ear infection (out of nowhere, it seemed!) and now, pneumonia. She started with a dry cough in late... Continue Reading »

Bianca’s last 14 months in bead counts


Hello friends and family! Note: If you follow us on Facebook, this is a repeat. I had a monkey on my back... to update Bianca's beads of courage... Continue Reading »

Rochester checkup – December 2023


Great checkup down at Mayo, staying at the Ronald McDonald House again! Her heart is still showing no signs of rejection. This is AMAZING news. We hear of... Continue Reading »

Let the good times roll


Hello, friends and family of Bianca!  She has had an absolutely wonderful time being out of the hospital, being home with her brother and sister.  At the beginning... Continue Reading »

One. Whole. Year.


A year ago today we made the trip down to Mayo to have Bianca admitted. We have been anxiously awaiting today. So many thoughts, feelings, and memories come... Continue Reading »

Original WCCO story + live interview: LINK


Here it is! If you haven't seen it, grab a tissue... if you have, this is the original story plus a couple of minutes from yesterday where Nick... Continue Reading »

LIVE News Interview!?!


BREAKING NEWS: Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield has invited us to be interviewed, LIVE, on the news this coming Sunday morning!!! (March 19th) Continue Reading »

TV news story link


Here's the link! Enjoy! https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/biancas-heart-a-mothers-intuition-leads-doctors-to-save-toddlers-life-via-transplant/ Continue Reading »

TV news story update


Heard from the reporter again!  "Hopefully we will not get intercepted by snow AGAIN BUT we have an airdate for Monday at 10.  Promos should start airing this... Continue Reading »