Our Story

My name is Allie Gregory.  In 2010, 11-year-old me received one of the most amazing gifts a person could receive - one that I never thought I would ever want, let alone *need*!   This kidney, thanks to my oh-so-generous friend, has given me ten years that I may not have had otherwise. So, you are probably asking, “Why do you need a fundraiser; haven’t you already had a kidney transplant?”...

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December Update


We made it, y'all!  December! It came way too quickly but also not quick enough at all. I feel like 2022 has truly been the longest year yet.... Continue Reading »

Let the games begin


Hi everyone! I know I've kept y'all waiting for a bit, I've been trying to process everything myself over here before I try to explain to everyone else.Tuesday,... Continue Reading »

August 24 Update


Hello everyone!  Thursday 25th I will be having a kidney biopsy to check progress of rejection from last year or if it is staying steady. I've been having... Continue Reading »

August 19 Update


Hey y’all! Long time no post I know. I just wanted to give a little update cause I could definitely use some prayers!Yesterday I went to the ER... Continue Reading »

Prayers, Pick me ups, and promising recovery.


Hey there, y’all. I have now been what’s going on 4+ weeks in the hospital. After my 4th round of going into the ER due to not keeping... Continue Reading »

Welcome Back


Hi, Y'all!  As some of you may have noticed I have not been posting many updates lately and forget to update people personally. I'm gonna try to make... Continue Reading »



Hi, Y'all. I have been putting this off for quite a while as it's really not good news or anything exciting to share. I have been very sick,... Continue Reading »

December Update: Please keep your prayers coming.


Alright everyone, I know it's been way too long since an update, and to be honest it's because I've been having a really hard past 10 days and... Continue Reading »



Just a warning- this post is long but I just wanted to make sure I updated everyone about everythjng! Thank you!! Hello y’all! I haven’t posted much or... Continue Reading »