Our Story

Angelia’s Journey to a New Kidney Angelia was born 10/11/2010 a beautiful baby girl. She was tiny and continued to stay small for her age.                1 week old            1 year old         2 years old 3 years old    4 years old  5 years old It wasn’t until she was 5 years old that Rachel and Josh (her parents) realized that something was seriously wrong. Angelia’s growth was stunted and she began...

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Angelia Given

Springfield, MO

Transplant Type: Kidney

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $40,000.00

Raised: $11,453 of $40,000 goal

Raised by 78 contributors


First Biopsy Done


We are heading home from Angelia's first post transplant biopsy. Everything went great! She is doing amazing. No signs of rejection from the biopsy and all her blood... Continue Reading »

Another Great Report


Angelia is doing so well, we were told at clinical today that we will only have to go to St. Louis every other week now. God has been... Continue Reading »

Heading Home


On our way back from clinical in St. Louis. All of Angelia's labs still look amazing! God is so good!!! We go back next week for someday surgery... Continue Reading »

Two Weeks Postop.


Just want to start by saying thank you to everyone for your prayers and love! Angelia is doing amazing! She's hadso.e rough nights with growing pains, but that's... Continue Reading »

Headed Home!!


Off the Pole!


First Good Night


Angelia had a great night last night. No fever, very little pain, she had to get up 4 times to pee but was able to do it almost... Continue Reading »

Angelia has been walking around the whole floor now.


We Got a Kidney!


Haven't posted for awhile and a lot has happened since my last post. I won't go into all the details but Josh(Angelia's Dad) was able to give her... Continue Reading »