
Our Story

Eirik Gumeny, is a prolific and snarky writer known for his dark humor and unique voice. He is the author of the cult-favorite Exponential Apocalypse series. His writing has appeared in prominent publications such as WIRED, Cracked, Nerdist, SYFY, and The New York Times. In 2014, Eirik received a bilateral lung transplant at Stanford Hospital. His writing style is marked by its irreverent tone and candidness about living with a...

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Eirik Gumeny

Albuquerque, NM

Transplant Type: Lung

Transplant Status: Accepting Memorial Contributions

Goal: $110,000.00

Raised: $101,627 of $110,000 goal

Raised by 595 contributors


Eirik’s NJ Edition Celebration of Life


RSVP Link: https://forms.gle/wud9bhjCpkCDy3sP9 Continue Reading »

Eirik’s NM Edition Celebration of Life


RSVP Link: https://forms.gle/SaUu6aZQK3cvxAPS7 Continue Reading »

Save the Date: August 15, 2024


SAVE THE DATE! August 15, 2024 Celebration of Life: A Caffeinated Remembrance of Eirik Gumeny Albuquerque, New Mexico Edition (Another celebration will be held on the East Coast... Continue Reading »

Why Donate Still?


Eirik's life ended on July 8, 2024 and along with our deep grief, we're facing significant expenses. I wanted to share why we still need COTA's support. The... Continue Reading »

This is the end of the story


On my third date with Eirik he told me he had CF. I wasn't sure what that meant for our future. I asked my cousin and he said... Continue Reading »

Palliative Care – This Sucks


Eirik's breathing continues to worsen and the life support is high. His kidneys are dancing on the edge. Yesterday, the doctors suggested we start talking to the palliative... Continue Reading »

ICU Life Continues


Eirik's lungs have stopped bleeding. The transplant centers want him off ECMO (life support) for them to consider him for transplant. We have tried for a couple days... Continue Reading »

What happened?


In early June Eirik went to bed one day not feeling so hot. At best it was a passing malaise, at worst, maybe like the flu he got... Continue Reading »