Back in the PCU!

Porter did well over night and his vent settings are almost where they were before he received his vaccines. He got the green light this morning to be moved out of the CVICU and back down to the PCU and is in a huge room this time. Lots of room for play time!!!! Porter did not like the transport vent though and got himself all worked up. It took him a while to chill out but he fell asleep when they put him back on the vent he’s used to.

We’re waiting on an ultra sound of his kidneys as his blood pressure has been higher than it has been so they either need to increase his beta blockers or see if there is something going on with his kidneys.

All of his cultures came back normal so it appears that Porter had a reaction to the vaccines he received. That’s what we we’ve been saying all along!! 🙂

Come on heart!!!!

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