Sunshine in the butterfly garden

Sunday was a big day for Porter!  He went outside, not just outside his room in the PICU, OUTSIDE into the fresh air and sunshine!  The hospital has several gardens that are in between the different buildings so we decided a trip to the butterfly garden would be a fun adventure.  I loaded him into his car seat in his bed (they were hesitant to let us just take the stroller since it was a weekend and they were short staff). So, along with Porter in his car seat in the crib we loaded the ventilator, portable monitor, pulse ox, portable suction machine, O2 tank, emergency supply kit, blankets, his feeding pump, and a stuffed animal for him to snuggle with if needed and away we went.



Porters eyes were huge as he looked around during the transport.  It’s a whole new world outside his four walls and usually when he’s been taken down the hall he sedated so this was a lot to take in.  We got down to the garden and let him chill in his car seat for a few minutes before getting him out.  Our nurse asked if I wanted to get him out and hold him on the bench~ OF COURSE!  As soon as we sat down, Porter fell asleep~ really asleep~ asleep with BOTH eyes closed and we stayed there for over an hour until the sun moved around and started roasting us.



We loaded him into his car seat and back up to his room we went.  We got Porter settled in and he decided to give us all a little scare with some really funky rhythms. Our nurse went to get the EKG machine and as soon as she got him hooked up he had started to settle out.  They watched him closely but his rhythm was back to Porter Normal for the rest of the afternoon and night.  Hoping for a trip to the 7th floor atrium today!

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