Post Op Day 3

Pic with Daniel post-op day #3. Faith and I are headed back to Little Rock but not before Daniel’s morning walk. Daniel had his Nitric, Milrinone, and Epinephrine weaned off today. These are all things that we’re supporting his heart. Pacer is turned down so his heart is doing the pacing. Had a second walk in the afternoon. Wish the family could be together for Easter but rejoicing in the new life that has been given to Dan. Thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers, and support.

Prayer requests:
1. Continued prayer and comfort for donor family.
2. Daniel is on his immuno-suppression induction so he’s susceptible to infection.
3. Induction has been tiring because of meds involved.
4. Appetite hasn’t come back fully and is important to recovery.
5. Peace about transplant recovery, life changes, and college


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