Our Story

My precious, upbeat, and sassy niece Kennedy is just 2 years old and in a fight for her life. Do not worry though she is a warrior, tough as nails, and ready to win this battle.  Kennedy is the daughter of Eric and Aly Dorfman, little sister to Cody, and soon to be big sister to her baby brother arriving in a few weeks.

We have partnered with the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) for assistance with a lifetime of transplant-related expenses. Although Kennedy will be receiving the gift of life, after transplant she will live with post-transplant treatment such as routine bloodwork and scans, and will also need to take immunosuppressive medications for the rest of her life to prevent rejection of this incredible gift.

This past October Kennedy went to her pediatrician for a healthy 2-year check-up. Her blood work showed a very abnormal platelet count and when compared to her 1-year numbers, her parents knew something was not right. Eric and Aly got the call that no parents should ever have to get, a referral to Pediatric Oncology. Over the next several weeks Kennedy had CT scans, Ultrasounds, and more blood tests than one could imagine. They found no Leukemia but did find very abnormal liver function and an enlarged spleen.

Next, they were referred to Pediatric GI for further screening but before that appointment could even happen, they had to take Kennedy to the ER when she started throwing up bile. The ER confirmed that her liver function was getting worse, but that she was stable enough to go home and follow-up with the GI doctor the following day. Kennedy’s Grandfather and Great Uncle both passed away from a rare genetic disorder that affects the liver and lungs called Alpha-1. Fearing the worst, Eric and Aly asked them to test Kennedy for Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency.

On December 29th they got the call they had been dreading. They were told Kennedy had Alpha-1, that her liver was failing and that she would soon require a lifesaving transplant. Their world was flipped upside down, their angel’s life forever changed. They were immediately referred to consult with a transplant team at New York Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital. Eric and Aly have said, “Hands down these are some of the best people they have ever met. We could not have possibly found a better team of individuals to save our baby’s life”.

On 1/27/21 Kennedy had her official transplant evaluation. It was a long day, lots of meetings, 15 tubes of blood and an EKG, but she handled it great. The liver is an amazing organ. A living donor can donate a portion of their liver and within 2-4 weeks liver function returns to normal. Unfortunately, Dad is not the right blood type and although Mom is the right type, she is 34 weeks pregnant and ineligible to donate. However, so many have stepped up and volunteered to be Kennedy’s Angel, we are forever grateful to you all. Kennedy’s amazing aunt Kelly is in the process of being screened and will have extensive testing to include a biopsy to make sure they are a perfect match.  If all goes well, we are hopeful that Kennedy will have a new liver by the end of February, just in time to come home and meet her new baby Brother.

We are so grateful for all the amazing support from our family and friends. Everyone’s love and support has kept the Dorfman family strong through all of this.


The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) helps children and young adults who need a life-saving transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family support. COTA is the nation’s only fundraising organization solely dedicated to raising life-saving dollars in honor of transplant-needy children and young adults. 100% of each contribution made to COTA in honor of our patients helps meet transplant-related expenses. COTA’s services are free to our families, and gifts to COTA are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

30 thoughts on “Our Story

  1. I’d love to donate. You should switching to Gofundme. Too much information collection here.

  2. Hello. I am the mother of 2 beautiful girls, 21 and 25 years old, and also the mommy to a beautiful little boy, who is 2 years old. I know the love we feel for our children is without measure.

    What does it take to be a liver donor? I am B+ blood type.

  3. I am a healthy 66 year old man and I would be honored to give a lung or liver to her.
    3033498788 my cell

  4. Our prayers are with the family and this little angel. May the intercessions of the Holy Virgin Mary and the prayers of St. Abanoub be with her.

  5. Can i submit anything that could help? I’m a USMC vet of 20 years
    . I am A+ blood type, if I can help I will !!

  6. As soon as the liver is transplanted, can Kennedy be put on Medicare Plan B for 36 months so Medicare will pay 80% of her anti-rejection costs? Her parents have insurance to pay the other 20%. Trump slid a new law into the Covid bill. The law states Medicare Plan B will pay 80% of anti-rejection drugs for everyone for life starting January 1, 2023. Please research this law for this precious family.

    I am a transplant recipient and I know how much my surgery and medicines cost.

    God bless you all for the work you perform.
    Much love, and many prayers for Kennedy and her family.

  7. I’m o- (baby blood) and would like to know how to get tested to see if I’m a match. God bless you all. SCSO deputy.

  8. Dear Aly and Eric,
    I read about Kennedy’s challenges on Fox late last night. I fell asleep thinking and praying for her and woke with her on my mind as well. We have two Marines in our family. One is the father to our two year old granddaughter, Lottie. Lottie’s two year check-up was yesterday. Whether I was taking one of my three children to the doctor for their annual check-up or my daughters are taking one of their children, I have always appreciated the possibility that our lives could change on a dime with the results of that appointment. I am sorry that was the case for you last fall when Kennedy had her two year check up. My heart aches for you knowing that your stomachs are in knots and fear is always present. Ally, I imagine your motherly instincts to just want to fix things must have caused you enormous frustration. It is my fervent prayer that your sister will be a perfect match for your daughter and that she and Kennedy will enjoy a bond that can only be matched by that of a parent and a child. May God bless Kennedy with a long and healthy life. Kids are amazingly resilient. Please know that you are all in my prayers.

  9. Thank you for your service and God bless you! I have made multiple 1700 mile round trips to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota with my daughter. I know it’s tough. We are praying for you and helping a small amount financially as I am retired and stretched myself. My blood type is B+ if your wife’s sister doesn’t work out.

  10. What is the criteria to determine who would be a match to donate a part of their liver?

  11. God bless her and be with her through this. I pray you find the donor needed, as a father it breaks my heart to see such a beautiful little girl facing such troubles so early in life. Thoughts and prayers to your family.

  12. I am A+ Blood Type. I am in pretty good health for 52 years old. Would I be considered a match for Kennedy.

  13. Not sure how the testing from Aunt turned out. I have AB+ blood type and would be more than happy to be tested as liver donor.

    If you need to contact email fxcreighton@gmail.com. Cell 678-644-2183. Best, Frank Creighton

  14. I am O+ if I could be used as a potential liver donor. In 2003 my middle son, Drew, died waiting for a heart transplant (that was given to an illegal immigrant). so in his honor I’ve donated to this all-American little girl.

    Ed USMC 1965-1970

  15. The Girard family is happy to help and we are sending our best wishes for your little girl!!

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