Our Story

Thank you so very much for helping Hudson with his journey to a new kidney! It is individuals like you who make you realize once again how special people are.

COVID-19 has changed everything across the globe and it has personally affected our family in a profound way as COVID-19 has made the road Hudson’s kidney transplant an extremely difficult one. Hudson will have medical issues for his entire life. We are raising funds to Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) in honor of A Kidney for Hudson to be used for a lifetime of transplant-related expenses including all medical, transportation and living costs for Hudson’s wonderful living donor (now and future donors), and all other related expenses (and there is a lot). 

Hudson’s Story:

Our son, Hudson Nash, was born on August 7, 2018. Hudson was born with significant damage to both his kidneys due to a blockage to his urethra while he was developing in utero. Hudson’s kidneys do not function well enough to adequately support his body. To keep Hudson going, he has had to be on 7 medicines 3x per day, daily shots, monthly blood draws, and more doctor visits and tests than we can count. His kidney damage is irreversible and will require him to have his first  kidney transplant a month shy of his 2nd birthday and most likely one or more transplants later in life as living donor kidneys last an average of 15-20 years. Hudson’s condition is called Chronic Kidney Disease and will be something he has to deal with his entire life. 

 We are so thankful to have a living donor who is willing to donate her kidney. Talk about ultimate human kindness. Through living donation, a healthy person can donate one of their kidneys and still live a happy and healthy life. Because of his donor, Hudson is able to get his transplant without having to start dialysis while waiting for a deceased donor, which would have been an even less ideal situation for a little guy.

Hudson’s original transplant date was April 21st, but due to COVID-19, all transplants were called off as they are considered “elective” surgeries. We spent the last 6 weeks not knowing when Hudson would be able to get his transplant and having his doctors hang dialysis over our head as the next step since Hudson’s kidney function has deteriorated to a level that can no longer sustain what his body needs. Thankfully, we were told that transplants are back on and Hudson’s transplant is now scheduled for July 7th. 

Hudson’s donor lives in North Carolina and the transplant will be done at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. During normal times, we could have flown his donor to Los Angeles on a commercial flight, but COVID-19 has changed everything. If his donor takes a commercial flight, we are risking her being exposed to COVID-19 and risking the transplant actually happening on the scheduled date and thus putting Hudson back at risk of needing dialysis. We have looked into every option  including organizations that fly for medical needs, renting an RV, a train, you name it. The end result is that the best possible option with the least risk of exposure to COVID-19, according to our infectious disease doctor, is a private plane. We do not have the means to charter a private plane, but we have been generously gifted NetJet hours by a wonderful giving woman to fly our donor here. We are beyond thankful to have this option.

Please share our story with your friends, family, and network, and please share this page. You may send it to as many people as you possibly can, post on social media, word of mouth, etc. Our goal is to get his message out to as many people as possible. Human kindness at its best and we would be forever grateful! 


Nash Family


The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) helps children and young adults who need a life-saving transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family support. COTA is the nation’s only fundraising organization solely dedicated to raising life-saving dollars in honor of transplant-needy children and young adults. 100% of each contribution made to COTA in honor of our patients helps meet transplant-related expenses. COTA’s services are free to our families, and gifts to COTA are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

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