Our Story

On Mother’s Day in May of 2015, my husband and I had a discussion regarding adopting. He wanted to adopt and I wanted to wait. But after more conversations and much devoted time in prayer, we both decided to pursue adoption before trying to conceive a biological child. I had seen a picture of a little girl from China with a cardiac condition that needed to be adopted in order...

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Abby Woodley

Langhorne, PA

Transplant Type: Liver

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $40,000.00

Raised: $11,081 of $40,000 goal

Raised by 53 contributors


Where in the World is Abby?


  I looked back at the previous date of our last blog update and was like, "Wow! Where has the time gone?!" Sorry for leaving everyone hanging!! I... Continue Reading »



      I was 10 years old when I had chicken pox. I vividly remember my mom telling me, "Don't scratch your chicken pox or they will... Continue Reading »

MMA Fighter Update


     There are days that go by that I still can't believe this liver transplant is already behind us!! Sorry for the delayed update- life has been... Continue Reading »

Link for Abby’s Article in the Bucks County Courier Times


http://www.buckscountycouriertimes.com/news/20180921/middletown-2-year-old-receives-life-saving-liver Continue Reading »

Born for This


   There is song I am loving right now called, "Born for This" by Mandissa. It is about a girl from the Bible named, Esther. An unlikely person... Continue Reading »



                                    I don't know about you guys, but I used to love... Continue Reading »

Joy in the Journey


As a nurse, I have seen a lot...like A LOT!! Some stories are miracles and some stories are ones that I care not to remember. But, in each... Continue Reading »



The Call


It was 3:30 in the afternoon on Saturday, August 18th- 8/18/18. I was working and Dave was home with the kids. I was busy caring for my NICU... Continue Reading »