Our Story

Since the day she was born, Antonella has shown the world what strength and resilience looks like. Our fierce Antonella was born July of 2016 inside of China and was adopted by the Marquez family in 2019. While waiting to be chosen for adoption, Antonella’s little body began deteriorating and she started what would be become the first of many fights for her life. While an orphan, she endured many complex medical procedures leading to severe medical complications and PTSD…all without the love of a family standing beside her. Despite all odds, Antonella’s strength and determination at such a fragile young age helped her to become the fierce fighter she is despite her multiple diagnoses.

Antonella is still fighting kidney disease, solitary kidney, absent bladder, and PTSD. Her remaining kidney has been declining meaning she will need a kidney transplant in the near future to survive.

Antonella loves all things that sparkle, she would best be described as a “girly-girl” with a fierce mindset. Pretend play with Barbies and Calico Critters while dressed in her favorite princess outfit are among her favorite things in life. Taking mini-adventures to the library and park, as well as swimming at her grandmother’s house, are all things that spark joy for her. Above all else, Antonella loves being around those she loves the most: her parents, Isabel and Manuel, as well as her siblings Isabella, Emilia and Mateo.

Thank you for reading Antonella’s story, we hope that you will follow her throughout the next phases of her journey. Please join us in cheering her on, supporting her, spreading her story and letting the world see how this fierce little girl will thrive with your help.