Breyman’s November Updates

We have had a busy month with Breyman. Unfortunately we were informed the first week of the month that Breyman’s PELD (Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease) Score went from a 4 to a 23, and the excess fluid in his belly does have bacteria in it which puts him at a higher risk therefore Breyman has been moved up on the transplant list. We know this journey will have ups and downs. We are remaining focused on the ups and praying that Breyman’s PELD score stays where it’s at while we await the life changing phone call that a liver is ready for him.

There are many things to be THANKFUL for! We have been blessed with a month of no overnights at Riley, Breyman turning 9 months, Spending our 1st Thanksgiving as a family of three, Breyman’s 255 followers who have liked, commented, prayed for, shared and donated to COTA in honor of Breyman! Can I just say we feel the love from our family, friends and community! We are so thankful to have all of the support we have been shown and given!

Fundraising efforts are underway. Our Volunteer Team is actively working on several things. If you are interested in helping the team, have a business that would like to be a part of an event please email Amy at Stay tuned for upcoming events to be announced…

Breyman’s Milestones

  • Milestones: 
  • loves to stand and hold onto furniture
  • is walking assisted around the house
  • trying to stand by himself unassisted 
  • enjoys petting his dog and laughing when he barks 
  • waving
  • clapping
  • learning how to use his voice
  • loves food (all kinds)


  • learning words
  • standing unassisted

Breyman Browning

Indianapolis, IN

Transplant Type: Liver

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $60,000.00

Raised: $42,563 of $60,000 goal

Raised by 259 contributors

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