
Joseph Gumeny

August 27, 2024

God Bless you Monica!

Richard Lofgren

August 15, 2024

Mary Pogue

August 14, 2024

Tina Lund

August 03, 2024

Betsy Streeter

August 02, 2024

Just want to say some words of appreciation for Eirik and for Jersey Devil Press and all of the inspiration over the years. Much gratitude and wishes for peace for you.

Edward Onny

August 02, 2024

Sean McCarthy

July 27, 2024

Jamie Aragon

July 24, 2024

Ainslie Hogarth

July 23, 2024

I didn`t know him well, but Eirik was the first person who ever published one of my stories and it meant the world to me. He seemed like a true original. I`m so very sorry for your loss xoxo

Jonathan Fjeld

July 22, 2024

Zachary Burke

July 21, 2024

Thank you Eirik and Monica so much for all of the kindness you showed me over the years! I’ll miss you Eirik.

David and Nina Mayrer

July 21, 2024

Mary Pogue

July 14, 2024

Tim Solinski

July 11, 2024

Houston Ice

July 08, 2024

Mary-Ann & Alan

July 07, 2024

Teresa Ardrey

July 04, 2024

Shenique Colby

July 03, 2024

Julie Mullings

July 03, 2024

Meghan Bayer

July 01, 2024

Zachary Rosenberg

July 01, 2024

Please be well. Sending all the best for your recovery.

Alex Ebenstein

July 01, 2024

Michael Phillips

July 01, 2024

Mitchell Crooks

June 29, 2024

Sending hope and prayers for Eirik’s recovery and healing. ??

Mary-Ann & Alan McBride-Andrews

June 29, 2024

Sasha Brown

June 28, 2024

We`re all thinking about you Eirik! Sending all the vibes we got right at you.

R.t Ester

June 27, 2024

Elizabeth Bizot

June 27, 2024

Susannah Clary

June 27, 2024

Jeannie Haggerty

June 27, 2024

Many, many prayers sent to Eirik for a successful outcome.

Kathryn Black

June 27, 2024

My CF kid would have loved Eirik`s sci-fi. Lifting you both up in healing energy.

Ally Malinenko

June 27, 2024

Sending love

Ian Claflin

June 27, 2024

Joseph Gumeny

June 26, 2024


A. J. Sharpe

June 26, 2024

Eirik gave me a very nice short story rejection once. I have it printed out on my wall for encouragement. Wishing him the best!

Thomas Ha

June 26, 2024

Martha Rodriguez

June 14, 2024

Mary Pogue

June 14, 2024

Martha Rodriguez

May 15, 2024

Mary Pogue

May 14, 2024

Martha Rodriguez

April 16, 2024

Mary Pogue

April 14, 2024

Martha Rodriguez

March 22, 2024

Mary Pogue

March 14, 2024

Martha Rodriguez

February 14, 2024

Mary Pogue

February 14, 2024

Mary Pogue

January 14, 2024

Martha Rodriguez

January 13, 2024

Mary Pogue

December 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

November 15, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

November 15, 2023

Mary Pogue

November 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

October 15, 2023

Mary Pogue

October 14, 2023

Mary Pogue

September 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

September 11, 2023

Jeanne Gumeny

August 15, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

August 15, 2023

Mary Pogue

August 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

July 16, 2023

Mary Pogue

July 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

June 14, 2023

Mary Pogue

June 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

May 16, 2023

Mary Pogue

May 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

April 16, 2023

Mary Pogue

April 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

March 18, 2023

Mary Pogue

March 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

February 15, 2023

Mary Pogue

February 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

January 18, 2023

Mary Pogue

January 14, 2023

Martha Rodriguez

December 16, 2022

Mary Pogue

December 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

November 25, 2022

Mary Pogue

November 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

October 16, 2022

Mary Pogue

October 14, 2022

Mary Pogue

September 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

September 13, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

August 16, 2022

Mary Pogue

August 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

July 19, 2022

Mary Pogue

July 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

June 16, 2022

Mary Pogue

June 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

May 17, 2022

Mary Pogue

May 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

April 18, 2022

Mary Pogue

April 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

March 17, 2022

Mary Pogue

March 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

February 17, 2022

Mary Pogue

February 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

January 18, 2022

Mary Pogue

January 14, 2022

Martha Rodriguez

December 15, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

December 15, 2021

Mary Pogue

December 14, 2021

Mary Pogue

November 14, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

October 15, 2021

Mary Pogue

October 14, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

September 19, 2021

Mary Pogue

September 14, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

August 16, 2021

Mary Pogue

August 14, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

July 18, 2021

Mary Pogue

July 14, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

June 16, 2021

Mary Pogue

June 14, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

May 17, 2021

Mary Pogue

May 14, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

April 19, 2021

Mary Pogue

April 14, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

March 18, 2021

Mary Pogue

March 15, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

February 19, 2021

Mary Pogue

February 14, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

January 16, 2021

Mary Pogue

January 14, 2021

Martha Rodriguez

December 16, 2020

Mary Pogue

December 14, 2020

Mary Pogue

November 25, 2020

Martha Rodriguez

November 17, 2020

Mary Pogue

October 26, 2020

Martha Rodriguez

October 16, 2020

Mary Pogue

September 25, 2020

Martha Rodriguez

September 14, 2020

Mary Pogue

August 24, 2020

Martha Rodriguez

August 16, 2020

Mary Pogue

July 27, 2020

Martha Rodriguez

July 16, 2020

Mary Pogue

June 24, 2020

Martha Rodriguez

June 22, 2020

Mary Pogue

May 22, 2020

Martha Rodriguez

May 15, 2020

Mary Pogue

April 27, 2020

Go Eirik & Monica! Success to you both!

Martha Rodriguez

April 21, 2020

Martha Rodriguez

March 27, 2020

Mary Pogue

March 25, 2020

Go Eirik & Monica! Success to you both!

Mary Pogue

February 24, 2020

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

January 31, 2020

Mary Pogue

January 23, 2020

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

December 31, 2019

Scott Armstrong

December 24, 2019

God Bless you guys! Merry Christmas.

Joseph Gumeny

December 23, 2019

Try to have a Merry Christmas and may God Bless you guys! Love you!

Mary Pogue

December 20, 2019

Mary Cole

December 19, 2019

William McBride

December 18, 2019

Michael Ballback

December 18, 2019

Martha Rodriguez

December 16, 2019

Alan Gumeny

December 16, 2019

Edward Onny

December 15, 2019

Charles Connolly

December 15, 2019

Ezra Fox

December 15, 2019

Eirik Gumeny

November 30, 2019

Mary Pogue

November 25, 2019

Martha Rodriguez

November 15, 2019

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

October 31, 2019

Martha Rodriguez

October 26, 2019

Mary Pogue

October 25, 2019

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

September 30, 2019

Mary Pogue

September 25, 2019

Martha Rodriguez

September 25, 2019

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

August 31, 2019

Mary Pogue

August 27, 2019

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

July 31, 2019

Martha Rodriguez

August 01, 2019

Mary Pogue

July 26, 2019

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

June 30, 2019

Mary Pogue

June 24, 2019

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

May 31, 2019

Martha Rodriguez

May 25, 2019

Mary Pogue

May 24, 2019

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

April 30, 2019

Mary Pogue

April 26, 2019

Bohannan Huston

April 22, 2019

Martha Rodriguez

April 22, 2019

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

March 31, 2019

Mary Pogue

March 25, 2019

Martha Rodriguez

February 26, 2019

Mary Pogue

February 25, 2019

Mary Pogue

January 25, 2019

Martha Rodriguez

January 16, 2019

Bohannan Huston

December 31, 2018

Mary Pogue

December 27, 2018

Joseph Gumeny

December 26, 2018

Love you man!!! Stop making the medical profession richer!!! :}

Martha Rodriguez

December 22, 2018

Ezra Fox

December 19, 2018

Betsy Streeter

December 17, 2018

Richard Lofgren

December 17, 2018

Scott Armstrong

December 14, 2018

Good Bless you and the family!

William McBride

December 14, 2018

Mary Pogue

November 26, 2018

Bohannan Huston

November 19, 2018

Martha Rodriguez

November 15, 2018

Mary Pogue

October 25, 2018

Mary McBride-Andrews

October 16, 2018

Mary Pogue

September 24, 2018

Bohannan Huston

September 14, 2018

Mary Pogue

August 24, 2018

Martha Rodriguez

August 23, 2018

Mary Pogue

July 25, 2018

Mary Pogue

June 28, 2018

Martha Rodriguez

June 15, 2018

Bohannan Huston

May 29, 2018

Mary Pogue

May 25, 2018

Mary Pogue

April 25, 2018

Martha Rodriguez

April 24, 2018

Mary Pogue

March 26, 2018

Bohannan Huston

March 19, 2018

Mary Pogue

February 26, 2018

Martha Rodriguez

January 27, 2018

Mary Pogue

January 25, 2018

Bohannan Huston

December 26, 2017

Mary Pogue

December 26, 2017

Alan Gumeny

December 20, 2017

Merry Christmas from; ; Mom & Dad!

Annam Manthiram

December 20, 2017

Love from Sathya and Anand

Martha Rodriguez

December 15, 2017

Joseph Gumeny

November 30, 2017

Love you guys! God bless you!!!

Richard Lofgren

November 28, 2017

Scott Armstrong

November 28, 2017

God Bless!

Mary Pogue

November 27, 2017

Martha Rodriguez

November 10, 2017

Mary Pogue

October 25, 2017

Mary Pogue

September 26, 2017

Martha Rodriguez

September 22, 2017

Mary Pogue

August 25, 2017

Bohannan Huston

July 31, 2017

Mary Pogue

July 25, 2017

Martha Rodriguez

July 05, 2017

Mary Pogue

June 23, 2017

Bohannan Huston

June 19, 2017

Martha Rodriguez

June 02, 2017

Mary Pogue

May 25, 2017

Mary Pogue

April 25, 2017

Alan Gumeny

April 13, 2017

Martha Rodriguez

April 06, 2017

Mary Pogue

March 24, 2017

Martha Rodriguez

February 27, 2017

Mary Pogue

February 24, 2017

Mary Pogue

January 31, 2017

Martha Rodriguez

January 28, 2017

Bohannan Huston

January 20, 2017

Mary-Ann McBride

January 13, 2017

Jennifer Simpson

January 07, 2017

So happy to know you both and wishing you all the best for 2017 and beyond!

Mary Pogue

December 29, 2016

Alan Gumeny

December 21, 2016

Wishing you all the best for 2017!

Richard Lofgren

December 21, 2016

Annam Manthiram

December 19, 2016

We love you, Uncle Eirik. We cannot get enough of you and Playstation. — Anand and Sathya

Megan Kiefer

December 19, 2016

Jonni McClure

December 19, 2016

Dave Cole

December 02, 2016

Keep up the fight guy! You can do it!

Martha Rodriguez

December 04, 2016

Joseph Gumeny

December 05, 2016

Go Eirik! Keep the medical profession sharp!!! Seriously though…U B In my prayers. Be well!

Joseph Wechter

November 28, 2016

Mary Pogue

November 22, 2016

Mary Pogue

October 25, 2016

Martha Rodriguez

October 19, 2016

Mary Pogue

September 29, 2016

Martha Rodriguez

September 21, 2016

Jon van Hoose

September 19, 2016

Bohannan Huston

September 12, 2016

Mary Pogue

August 25, 2016

Martha Rodriguez

August 18, 2016

United Way of Greater Kansas City

August 12, 2016

Mary Pogue

July 26, 2016

Mary Pogue

June 24, 2016

Bohannan Huston

June 20, 2016

Mary Pogue

May 26, 2016

Alan Gumeny

May 06, 2016

Thinking of you. Mom & Dad

Bohannan Huston

May 09, 2016

Mary Pogue

April 25, 2016

Martha Rodriguez

April 23, 2016

Love, Roger and Martha

Bohannan Huston

April 01, 2016

Bohannan Huston

April 01, 2016

Mary Pogue

March 24, 2016

Mary Pogue

February 25, 2016

United Way of Greater Kansas City

February 08, 2016

Mary Pogue

January 28, 2016

John Thorning

January 12, 2016

Bohannan Huston

December 31, 2015

Mary Pogue

December 16, 2015

Richard Lofgren

December 01, 2015

Alan Gumeny

December 02, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Mary Pogue

November 14, 2015

Go Eirik & Monica! Success to you both!

Annam Manthiram

November 17, 2015

We love you, Uncle Eirik! –Sathya and Anand

Scott Armstrong

November 17, 2015

God Bless you and your family.

United Way of Greater Kansas City

November 16, 2015

Mary Pogue

October 19, 2015

Mary Pogue

September 18, 2015

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

August 31, 2015

United Way of Greater Kansas City

August 24, 2015

Mary Pogue

August 20, 2015

Bohannan Huston

August 05, 2015

Bohannan Huston

July 17, 2015

Bohannan Huston

June 23, 2015

Mary Pogue

June 11, 2015

St. Mary's Rosary Society

June 08, 2015

Sara Weber

May 22, 2015

In support of Karen Lichtman`s walk in support of you.

Mary Cole

May 16, 2015

Way to go Eirik!

United Way of Greater Kansas City

April 28, 2015

Mary McElroy

April 25, 2015

In support of Eirik and in thanks for Karen`s gift of friendship. True friendship is a blessing that brings grace to the world.

Lisa & Fred Marotto

April 25, 2015


Helen Nickerson

April 26, 2015

BK2NUT- go Karen and wishing you all the best Eirik

Lisa Popovitch

April 26, 2015

On honor of Karen`s walk best wishes to you.

Recycling Center

April 15, 2015

Janice Segear

March 30, 2015

Rachel Kunstadt

March 29, 2015


Anita Ross-Fein

March 20, 2015

In honor of Karen Lichtman

Erin Kahn

March 20, 2015

Karen Harbison Tatge

March 21, 2015

Kristen and Keith

March 19, 2015

Thanks for the tea! 🙂

Alan Gumeny

February 26, 2015

Love you both – Mom & Dad

Mary Pogue

February 24, 2015

Eirik;; ; I think about you often & remember you in my daily prayers. May your life continue to be as full & happy as you have always tried to make it.; ; Mary Pogue

Mary McBride-Andrews

February 25, 2015

William Lobay

February 23, 2015

Steohen Marsalese

February 16, 2015

Bohannan Huston

January 20, 2015

Frances Sarrel

January 15, 2015


United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

December 31, 2014

AIG Matching Grants Program

December 08, 2014

Ching Valdes

December 04, 2014

Recycling Center

December 04, 2014

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

November 30, 2014

Jonni McClure

December 02, 2014

To help Alan help his friend breathe. One breath at a time.

Scott Armstrong

November 28, 2014

Congrats on the new lung`s. Hope things continue to go well for you.; ; ; ; the Armstrong`s

Annam Manthiram

November 25, 2014

We miss our Uncle Eirik! Hope to see you soon! Love; Sathya and Anand.

Cecil Wegner

November 26, 2014

Merry Christmas! So glad to hear things are going well.

Ronald Trivane

November 26, 2014

Leah Petersen

November 26, 2014

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

October 31, 2014

The Pampered Chef

October 30, 2014

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

September 30, 2014

Christine Oleksy

September 30, 2014

Sorry; I missed the Pampered Chief event. I`m wishing Eirik a speedy recovery!

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

August 31, 2014

Megan Kiefer

September 17, 2014

Bohannan Huston

September 15, 2014

Craig Coluzza

September 10, 2014

Meghan Losche

September 05, 2014

Chris Xistris

September 05, 2014

Eirik; best wishes for a speedy recovery.; ; ; ; Chris & Melissa Xistris (friends of Demi Williams & Craig Coluzza)

AIG Matching Grants Program

September 02, 2014

Jeremy & Kerin Robitsek

August 28, 2014


Jamaal Upshur

August 28, 2014

Coluzza-Williams Wedding

Jennifer Valentin

August 27, 2014

Jon Konrath

August 26, 2014

Just did PFTs at the allergist and all was well but it reminded me of you – hope pretty soon you`re having awesome spirometry readings on a brand new set of lungs!

Emily Williamson

August 26, 2014

William McBride

August 25, 2014

This is my response to the ice challenge. Don`t worry – no precious water was wasted

Christopher Williams

August 22, 2014

Williams-Coluzza Wedding

Mary Merkl

August 21, 2014

Williams-Coluzza Wedding

Laureen Regenthal

August 19, 2014

Williams-Coluzza Wedding

Bohannan Huston

August 18, 2014

Kelli Trogani

August 15, 2014

Bobby Ortiz

August 12, 2014

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

July 31, 2014

Angus McIntyre

August 10, 2014

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

June 30, 2014

Sanofi Foundation for North America

July 31, 2014

Bohannan Huston

July 24, 2014

Ann M. Nolan

July 14, 2014

Richard Moskwiak

July 14, 2014

Matthew Murphy

July 14, 2014

Richard Koppel

July 14, 2014

Michael Lang

July 14, 2014


July 14, 2014

Mitchell Rubin

July 14, 2014

The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts

July 14, 2014

Recycling Center

July 07, 2014

Antoinette Locurcio

July 01, 2014

Bohannan Huston

June 30, 2014

Lambert Lontok

June 24, 2014

Frank Ventura

June 24, 2014

Denise Norton

June 24, 2014

Robert Ortiz

June 23, 2014

COTA Team Eirik G Events

June 24, 2014

Katherine Pehlman

June 16, 2014

Ryan Whitehead

June 12, 2014

A friend of Craig and Demi`s is a friend of ours. Please know; Eirik; that you and your family are in our prayers. Happy Belated 4th Anniversary to you & Monica! Thinking of you; Lee & Ryan Whitehead

Frances Winkler

June 11, 2014

Sending y`all lots of positive thoughts and non-perverted; gentle yet slightly squeezy hugs. Feel better; my sweet.

Jan Kritzer

June 09, 2014

Kyle Krause

June 09, 2014

Kenneth Nakashian

June 09, 2014

Joanne Ventura

June 09, 2014

Linda Thorning Kaczmarek

June 09, 2014

Michael Gumeny

June 09, 2014

Event proceed

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

May 31, 2014

Michele Gumeny

June 05, 2014

Heather Merklinger

June 05, 2014

Heather Macphail

June 03, 2014

Teri Wrobel

June 02, 2014

Michael Gumeny

June 03, 2014

Robert Modansky

June 03, 2014

Jerry Rotsaert

June 03, 2014

Harvey Wechter

June 03, 2014

William Lobay

June 03, 2014

Ryan McGee

June 03, 2014

Joseph Lowrey

May 31, 2014

Donald Reonieri

May 31, 2014

Andrew Thorning

May 31, 2014

KICK ASS; Eirik!!

Keith Gauger

May 31, 2014

Good luck! We love you!

Bohannan Huston

May 27, 2014

Lynn Pospiech

May 20, 2014

Margaret Nolan

May 19, 2014

Gerald Paladino

May 19, 2014

Michele Gumeny

May 19, 2014

Rhonda Witwer

May 19, 2014

Charlotte Stasny

May 19, 2014

Charlotte Stasny

May 19, 2014

Harvey Wechter

May 19, 2014

Elizabeth Morgenthien

May 19, 2014

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

April 30, 2014

Christine Mendoza

May 13, 2014

Tatsiana Martynava

May 12, 2014

Tara Russell

May 09, 2014

Erin Kiernan

May 09, 2014

Lisa Yee

May 08, 2014

Jennifer Simpson

May 04, 2014

From your friends at DimeStories in Albuquerque! Your 3-minute stories are always favorites!

Sean and Cristina Pfeifer

May 04, 2014

We pray that God provides all that you need to overcome this difficult time and that Eirik is given all the care he needs. May God bless you all and provide you his strength and support.

Bohannan Huston

April 28, 2014

Sanofi Foundation for North America

April 28, 2014

Edward Onny

April 21, 2014

Hope all works out. ; ; ; ; Edward Onny (Pearson)

Poppos Office Tool Box, LLC

April 22, 2014

Richard Meola

April 22, 2014

Karen Mangravito

April 22, 2014

Patricia Ventura

April 22, 2014

John Mleziva

April 22, 2014

Linda Layden

April 22, 2014

Daniel Spera

April 22, 2014

Philip Nicolette

April 22, 2014

Edmund Zilinski

April 22, 2014

Sharon Sheer

April 15, 2014

I work with Demi and she`s told me about your wonderful family. God bless and warm wishes; Sharon

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

March 31, 2014

Tino Ortiz

April 08, 2014

Mary Nolan-Riegle

April 06, 2014

Bobby Ortiz

April 02, 2014

Michael Kosturko

March 27, 2014

John Thorning

March 27, 2014

Paul Gumeny

March 27, 2014

Lois Pasanda

March 27, 2014

David Mayrer

March 27, 2014

John Thorning

March 27, 2014

Candace Ruitenberg

March 20, 2014

Edward Goode

March 20, 2014

Doreen Schwarz

March 16, 2014

All the best to you

Ronald Trivane

March 03, 2014

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

February 28, 2014

Brian Lieberman

March 03, 2014

Donna Vitiello

February 24, 2014

Good Luck and God Bless; Erik!

Donna Vitiello

February 24, 2014

Good Luck & God Bless; Erik

Joseph de Poto

February 21, 2014

Joseph de Poto

February 21, 2014

Bohannan Huston

February 18, 2014

Ron Taylor

February 15, 2014

Lynn Pospiech

February 15, 2014

Eric;; ; You and your family are in our prayers.

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

January 31, 2014

Fred & Colleen Kingston

February 10, 2014

Best Wishes for you. We are praying for you!

Edward Goode

February 09, 2014

We`re looking forward to having you healthy; happy and writing the next great American novel!! We love you!!

Tino Ortiz

February 07, 2014

Robert Ortiz

February 06, 2014

Annam Manthiram

February 01, 2014

This gift is from Nirmala Pouse; sister of Annam.

Tanis Mallow

January 31, 2014

I (along with Thor and Quetzacoatl) are cheering you on. Here`s to many deep breaths of fresh; clean air.

Ryan Werner

January 31, 2014


Petar Simonovic

January 30, 2014

Best wishes Eirik; ; ; ; Pete; ;

Justin Slater

January 30, 2014

Robert Russell

January 30, 2014

Erika Shoemaker

January 30, 2014

Scarlett Morris

January 29, 2014

Best of luck eirik!!

Claudia Marra

January 28, 2014

Sending all prayers your way!

Paul Gumeny

January 28, 2014

Paul and Shawn Gumeny are with you in our thoughts and prayers. We love you! Recover quickly!

Lisa Wright Theodore

January 27, 2014

For my friend Michael`s family…..good luck Erik

Jon Konrath

January 27, 2014

Hang in and keep writing; dude.

Sarah Kassam

January 27, 2014

Barbara Smith

January 26, 2014

In our hearts & prayers.

Joseph Reti

January 26, 2014

We wish you the best and our thoughts are with you.

Sheila McLaughlin

January 25, 2014

Recover quickly — our best to you!

Bryan Gumeny

January 25, 2014

Christine Oleksy

January 25, 2014

sending prayers your way!

James R

January 25, 2014

Scott Armstrong

January 24, 2014

God bless you and the family!

Myrrl and Linda McBride

January 24, 2014

Annam Manthiram

January 24, 2014

Dear Eirik; the kids send their love. Sathya scored 60% on a plutonium test he took at the Bradley Museum. Thought I`d throw that little tidbit out there. Love you! -Alex; Annam; Sathya; Anand

Matthew Santistevan

January 24, 2014

We hope you get well soon!

Christopher Keelty

January 24, 2014

Gabi Hegan

January 24, 2014

Stay strong!

Nicholas Mamatas

January 24, 2014

Good luck!

Jennifer Simpson

January 24, 2014

Eirik; sending you and Monica much love and well wishes. You are a truly valued member of our writing community and have been very much missed these last months.

Jeannie Haggerty

January 24, 2014

Eirik; you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Will McBride

January 23, 2014

Dave Cole

January 23, 2014


Mary-Ann McBride-Andrews

January 22, 2014

Robert Ortiz

January 10, 2014

Martha Rodriguez

January 10, 2014

We love you Eirik and Monica!

Recycling Center

January 08, 2014

Annam Manthiram

December 31, 2013

Dear Uncle Eirik;; ; Here`s to a healthy; happy New Year! Love Sathya and Anand

Petar Simonovic

December 20, 2013

Michael Riser

December 18, 2013

Good luck; my friend.

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

December 18, 2013

Robert Ortiz

December 13, 2013

Cecil Wegner

December 10, 2013

Merry Christmas to you both

Gabi Hegan

November 26, 2013

Robert Ortiz

November 22, 2013

Matthew Santistevan

November 22, 2013

Silas Suazo

November 21, 2013

Veronica Ramos

November 19, 2013

Tim Solinski

November 19, 2013


November 18, 2013

Terrence Sprankle

November 17, 2013

Eirik; we wish you well in your quest.

Rina Nehdar

November 14, 2013

Good luck….we have a great family friend with CF too…not sure why it strikes the really great ones.

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

November 13, 2013

Dave Cole

November 11, 2013

Stay Strong

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

October 14, 2013

Recycling Center

November 06, 2013

Tara Kielmann

October 24, 2013

Eirik and Monica we wish you all the very best!!

Recycling Center

October 04, 2013

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

September 10, 2013

Bohannan Huston

September 16, 2013

Brian Burnett

September 09, 2013

Robert Mangeot

August 31, 2013

Ian McClellan

August 25, 2013

Eirik; you`re a gifted writer and the world is a much better and more interesting place with you in it.

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

August 08, 2013

Christopher Keelty

August 06, 2013

A show of thanks for creating opportunities in fiction.

Recycling Center

August 05, 2013

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

July 12, 2013

Bohannan Huston

July 24, 2013

Denise Willson

July 16, 2013

I wish you well; fellow writer.

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

June 10, 2013

Bohannan Huston

June 13, 2013

Bohannan Huston

June 13, 2013

Martha Rodriguez

June 10, 2013

Cecil Wegner

June 05, 2013

Silas Suazo

May 16, 2013

Shane Raley

May 16, 2013

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

May 15, 2013

Dennell Sandoval-Newhall

May 06, 2013

James Topmiller

May 06, 2013

Thanks so much for the opportunity to help.

Jason Shults

May 01, 2013

Just wanted to thank you for founding Jersey Devil. It`s an amazing; quirky; wild ride of a journal; and we need people with minds like yours to stick around for a while. All my best;; ; ; ; Jason

Edmund Zilinski

April 30, 2013

Ed and I are plugging for you Eirik! Ed & Madeline Zilinski (Cucuzza)

Bohannan Huston

April 15, 2013

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

April 11, 2013

Dave Cole

April 01, 2013

Keep up the good fight Eirik

Bohannan Huston

March 18, 2013

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

March 14, 2013

Cecil Wegner

February 23, 2013

Wishing you the best of luck:)If my mom was still here I know she`d want to help

Gabi Hegan

February 22, 2013

Sorry I missed you in NYC!

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

February 14, 2013

Amgen Foundation

February 12, 2013

Johanna Miklos

February 07, 2013

Keep fighting.

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

January 16, 2013

Stephanie Rauco

January 29, 2013

Donald Reonieri

January 29, 2013

Good luck; Eirik!

Bohannan Huston

January 22, 2013

Brian Long

January 21, 2013

Best of luck; Erik!

Paul Gumeny

January 17, 2013

Good luck! You are in my prayers.

United Way Of Central New Mexico (UWCNM)

January 16, 2013

Greg and Tina Levine

January 14, 2013

Lorna Keach

January 12, 2013

Keep up hope!

Rob Lockman

December 28, 2012

Good luck and stay strong!!

Dan Purdue

December 28, 2012

Wishing you the very best of luck; Eirik.

Cecil Wegner

December 27, 2012

So sorry it took me so long but I`d start doing something else on line & forget.

Krista Ruehle

December 20, 2012

I wish this could be more… please stay strong and remember you are an inspiration to all those who struggle with CF.

Nick Granillo

December 20, 2012

This donation is in honor of Eirik Gumeny.

Brienne Kvetkus

December 19, 2012

Much love to you Eirik- you are family to us!!!

Christine McCoy

December 17, 2012

Auris & Maria Kvetkus

December 12, 2012

Thanks for being such a great friend to Toryn!XOXO

Lucy Mosqueda

December 11, 2012

Richard Lofgren

December 03, 2012

Max Vande Vaarst

December 04, 2012

Thanks for helping me land my first publication. Good luck and go get a new freaking lung; man!

Leah Petersen

November 29, 2012

Hang in there.

Thomas Pluck

November 29, 2012

Justin Slater

November 29, 2012

I wish I had more to give.

Jenny Ortiz

November 29, 2012

David Keaton

November 29, 2012

Doreen Zetterlund

November 26, 2012

Ryan Werner

November 16, 2012

You got this; man.

Michele Gumeny

November 16, 2012

Eirik; You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Bohannan Huston

November 16, 2012

Will McBride

November 15, 2012

Always wishing you guys the best! Let me know if you organize a run or walk.

Joseph Gumeny

November 13, 2012

Please help our nephew. He is such a great asset to this world and his journey in life has just began with his beautiful bride. They deserve a fabulous life together and need your help! Please donate!!

Barbara & Alan Gumeny

November 13, 2012

We love you Eirik! We are very proud of all you have acomplished so far…We know there is much more to come. NJ is thinking of you.

Jeannie Haggerty

November 14, 2012

Eirik is a very close friend of my son Stephen Schwegler. It is my privilege to help in whatever way I can for his continued good health. Thoughts and prayers!

Dave Cole

November 12, 2012

Stay Positive!

Mariann Wheeler

November 07, 2012

Thinking positive for you both!

Sathya and Anand Martin

November 02, 2012

We love you; Eirik.

Tim Solinski

October 25, 2012

We`re here for you!

Bohannan Huston

October 15, 2012