Sorry for the delays in updates.
No news is good news around here. I’ve been settling into the second month of being here. I did finally run out of energy and therefore just finished a two week course of IV antibiotics. I wasn’t too sick, just mostly run down. So slept a lot and went extra slow.
You would think I’d be a pro by now at rolling with the ebbs and flows, but the loss of momentum was frustrating. It was like the honeymoon was over, the first fresh blooms of inspiration and curiosity had run their course. Now I’m on to the next phase – the work of being here. I am realizing however, that with that comes it’s own reward – the sounds and rhythms are more familiar and comforting rather than new and novel. I have more of a groove than I did before, and a place to call my own. My thoughts have a chance to move into deeper territory and the conversations are as well.
I have had all my check ups with the various doctors and everything remains stable and unremarkable. I’m on the healthier end of the spectrum as I don’t require supplemental oxygen or a lot of extra medications right now. I am very grateful my health is stable, but it’s also frustrating to be in such limbo, you have to be sick, but not too sick… I believe that everything will happen in the right time and it’s my job to rest in that and get on with enjoying my days however it is I happen to feel.
I’m going to keep this update short and sweet.
Thank you all for continuing to wait with me and be my support.
I feel all your prayers and love and am so thankful for you in my life.
Much love,