I feel like things have been so busy lately, but the page is in desperate need of a fundraising update!
I first want to thank everyone that came out and supported our Bridges to Brews run/walk! We had great weather and it was so much fun! The entire race was organized by close friends, who took extensive time and effort out of their already busy schedules in order to make this all happen.
The shirts that were made for participants also turned out so well! In fact, we had a much larger turn out than expected and ran out of shirts! (If you participated in the run and did not receive your shirt, stop by Peak Physical Therapy in the Lewiston Orchards and get it!)
I believe the total amount raised at the run was about $2,700 after combining the registration fee, plus the donations that were given for the brats and beer! This was so incredible and I hope everyone understands how much this means to me and my family. I so wish that I would have had time to talk to every single person that was there and give them a hug and say thank you. It was a beautiful and eventful day.
The Bonfire t-shirt fundraiser from a few weeks ago was incredibly successful as well. I believe the total amount raised is right around $2,200. I had set a high goal of selling 100 shirts and we exceeded that goal and have sold 125!
The main campaign for the shirts has closed, but if anyone missed out, they are still available. When someone orders a shirt it starts a new campaign and in order to increase profit, large quantities of shirts have to be purchased during the two week campaign window. We hope to keep selling and see how far we can get the lung shirts to spread across the area. (If you bought a shirt and would feel comfortable sending a picture of you in your shirt, I am planning on making an album on this page soon! If you can send the picture on messenger please include your name and the city you live in!
Finally, a taco bar fundraiser was held at Costco for all of their employees. People signed up to bring the various taco bar items and everyone that ate gave donations for their meal. That was also a huge success and raised almost $850!
I cannot express enough gratitude for everyone that has participated in these fundraisers. Whether it has been helping plan and organize, attend the fundraiser, donate, or even just spread the word. Every effort is noticed and greatly appreciated.
Transplant expenses are ongoing, and bills have still been coming in the mail from UWMC for my surgery. We also receive bills from each different department that was utilized during my stay, and spend a lot of time working with insurance to sort out what they will cover. Knowing that my family has COTA’s assistance with some of these huge bills brings such peace and comfort to us in a time that has been very hectic.
Thank you all so much! Donate life