Our Story

Ethan is the happiest, smiliest, goofiest little boy that you’ll ever meet. However, despite his constant smiles, he’s already endured more during his short life than most of us will in our entire lifetime. As he reaches the next stage of his journey, the need has become transparent. Ethan needs your help.

Ethan’s initial diagnosis was given before he had even entered the world. Midway through his time in the womb, it was discovered that his kidneys had already shut down as a result of a rare and historically fatal birth defect called a lower urinary tract obstruction. Determined to overcome, Ethan’s parents enrolled in a clinical trial through The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Ethan’s mother received multiple experimental procedures called amnio-infusions designed to give Ethan the chance to develop lungs and breathe. The infusions worked and at 34 weeks gestation, Ethan was born.

The first three and a half months of Ethan’s life were spent in the hospital. It wasn’t always a smooth ride; despite the treatment in utero Ethan had to fight for his little life. He underwent numerous procedures, experienced more experimental treatments, and had a brief coding event where he briefly joined the angels. He fought through it all and made it home where he belongs.

Although he is now home, Ethan still faces challenges. Twice daily, vitals are taken to ensure nothing is going astray. Ethan is fed primarily through a tube and takes a variety of medications and supplements. Every night he is hooked up to peritoneal dialysis for ten and a half hours. Although he is nearly a year old, he only just started rolling and as a result, needs to get a helmet to help fix his head shape.

Ethan lives with his Mom, Dad, nurturing big sister, and silly big brother. They help as much as they can with all of his treatments and medications. They’ve had a crash course in living a world full of medical miracles and hardships. Ethan has received lots of hard news, but he’s broken down so many barriers and defied an amazing amount of odds.

No matter what happens, Ethan smiles.

As incredible and often inspirational as Ethan’s journey has been, he is still at the beginning. Ethan has just started PT, OT, Feed-team, and other therapies. He will soon begin bladder treatment as well as undergo surgery to place a more permanent feeding tube.

Most importantly, Ethan will soon reach the weight to undergo evaluation for a kidney transplant. To receive this life-saving treatment, additional help is required. Ethan’s family has partnered with COTA to raise funds for transplant-related expenses. Please consider donating to COTA in honor of Ethan.

The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) helps children and young adults who need a life-saving transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family support. COTA is the nation’s only fundraising organization solely dedicated to raising life-saving dollars in honor of transplant-needy children and young adults. 100% of each contribution made to COTA in honor of our patients helps meet transplant-related expenses. COTA’s services are free to our families, and gifts to COTA are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.