Our Story

As many of you know, Luke became suddenly ill March of 2017.  The sudden onset of the illness spanned 12 days and doctor’s ultimately diagnosis’ of Acute Liver Failure (meaning unknown cause).  He was a recipient of a donated liver March 14, 2017.  This requires him to take an anti-rejection medication for the organ transplant.  Luke is scheduled for a tonsillectomy in November 2018.  His tonsils are enlarged and it is customary in transplant patients when this occurs that they are removed and then analyzed under a microscope to detect for Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease (PTLD).  The medicine that is keeping Luke alive increases his risk of cancer.  We knew this day would come, but not so soon.  Please continue to keep Luke in your prayers.

Luke regularly attends preschool and misses his friends on the weekends.  Parents of his friends talk about how he welcomes everyone in the morning and refers to them as so and so’s parent.  At home he is always wanting to be the center of attention and will not settle for anything less.  He is starting be very sweet with his sister Lily, 2 years old.  Luke demands that Liam, 11 years old, play with him.  When Luke is one on one he is more clam and very inquisitive.

Thank you for your assistance in spreading the word about COTA for Luke O.