A Hug!!

Wednesday #2 It’s hard trying to do normal

things that need done that take me away from Marshall right now. I always struggled being away from him even for him to go to school or me to go to work and now it’s almost unbearable. He had a major milestone last evening successfully drinking some water! Starting with one little sip and then being allowed a whole cup! Later on he started having some trouble with his oxygen levels so he had to have high flow oxygen put back on and start some more medicine… sipping water will have to have a pause for now until we can get that corrected. Yesterday, Marshall was so strong he sat up on the side of the bed and even briefly stood long enough to give me a hug!! Today, the PT crew wants him to be able to pivot into a chair to sit. Sitting up and using his legs is good for his body but also his mental health. Getting a new heart is a lot of hard work but we know in the near future all of this will be worth it!! I’m missing my work friends a lot, I’m sure the place is in shambles without me. haha But I know Marshall has a whole gang of tech partner, unit clerk, and RN friends rooting for him! Thank you everyone for praying for our boy, please keep that good stuff coming.

Marshall Fee

Scottdale, PA

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $30,000.00

Raised: $36,099 of $30,000 goal

Raised by 83 contributors

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