Saturday 2/1 we busted out of the CICU! Our view is not nearly as awe-inspiring but we do have our own bathroom so I’ll take it! Now comes the part where mom and dad do all the heavy lifting, which is 100% ok because we’re very particular people. haha Marshall did end up needing another chest tube put in yesterday which makes him pretty uncomfortable because he has them on both sides now, but we’re hoping and praying this is a short term thing. They are watching closely to make sure his body is processing fat correctly so he’s on a limited diet. I was allowed to give him a California roll though so he was really happy with that. One of the rules after transplant is no raw fish and Marshall is a sushi connoisseur so this adjustment to sushi with cooked fish is going to be a big one for him… Big brother Wyatt is coming for a visit today, it will be so nice to see them together. Thank you for your continued prayers and positivity.
Marshall Fee
Scottdale, PA
Transplant Type: Heart
Transplant Status: Transplanted
Goal: $30,000.00
Raised: $36,099 of $30,000 goal
Raised by 83 contributors