Our Story

Seven year old Olina currently has End-Stage Renal Disease, Stage 4, and needs a life-saving kidney transplant to survive over the holiday season (Dec/January 2024/25). 

Our family has partnered with the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) for assistance with transplant-related expenses.

The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) helps children and young adults who need a life-saving transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family support. COTA is the nation’s only fundraising organization solely dedicated to raising life-saving dollars in honor of transplant-needy children and young adults. 100% of each contribution made to COTAin honor of our patients helps meet transplant-related expenses. COTA’s services are free to our families, and gifts to COTAare tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

*Further reading:
CED is a very rare disease. Fewer than 100 affected individuals have been reported according to a 2013 study.