Alot has happened in these past few months since Autumn went home from the hospital. She has aquired allergies that she never had before and different tastes in food ( thanks to her brother Austin and his amazing bone marrow)!

Autumn had a mini outing to Sephora, a nationwide chain that sells beauty products. They had her come in early before the store opened and allowed her to shop and pick out anything she wanted since she had to get rid of all her old make-up and needs to be careful with the products she chooses for a while. 

As we approach the 100 day mark, 100% of her T cells are Austin’s. 98% of her B cells are his too. His immune system is definitely becoming her imune system. All of her other measurements are climbing in positive numbers as well. 
Autumn had physical therapy for the first time and did very well. Her mobility had been greatly limited with the Broviac Line that had being inserted but she did really well even thought its very uncomfortable. 
Over the next few weeks she will have her heart, lung and kidneys tested to see how they are responding to the transplant. She still cannot travel more than 30 minutes fron the hospital and when she does reach the 100 day mark on 10/18.. she will be able to go out in public but only to the movies or a restaurant and only durning slow times. She needs to keep her public interaction at a minimum as she continues to build back her immune system. 

At this point so far… A is for Awesome Autumn!!!

Autumn Jackson

Phoenix, AZ

Transplant Type: BMT/Stem Cell

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $65,000.00

Raised: $27,085 of $65,000 goal

Raised by 200 contributors

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