Alot has happened in these past few months since Autumn went home from the hospital. She has aquired allergies that she never had before and different tastes in...
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Well... after a scary trip to the ER a couple of days after being released, things are looking better! As of yesterday.. Autumn's hemoglobin is 9.3 and last...
Continue Reading »GOING HOME
Tuesday July 30th.. AUTUMN WENT HOME! This was amazing as she went home on the exact day she was supposed to but the hard work isnt over. Autumn...
Continue Reading »GROW CELLS GROW
Autumn is such a Warrior!!! There is a raging battle happening in her body but the cells are WINNING right now! Autumn has one more day for her ANC...
So far.. the doctors are very IMPRESSED with her. She's very sleepy and battling nausea but from a medical standpoint.. she is progressing nicely!
Continue Reading »Autumn’s Update
Autumn had a tough day yesterday with pain and nausea. For nearly 12 hours straight she was up and down. By the time her brother Austin came to...
Now that the transplant is done.. Autumn's next 100 days are very crucial. She will be enduring her last chemo regimen and this is when we will see...
Continue Reading »A NEW DAY
Autumn did really well with the transplant! She was given 3 big bags of bone marrow. She was nauseous for a little bit, but was in better spirits...
Continue Reading »TRANSPLANT DAY
Today is the day! Autumn is relaxed and ready but wants some mommy snuggles for sure to get her thru this. We are praying this works!
Continue Reading »Autumn Jackson
Phoenix, AZ
Transplant Type: BMT/Stem Cell
Transplant Status: Transplanted
Goal: $65,000.00
Raised: $27,085 of $65,000 goal
Raised by 200 contributors