Pasta Dinner


April 6, 2019
5:00 pm–7:00 pm


St Paul Lutheran Church

276 E Bagley Rd.
Berea, OH 44017 Maps & Directions

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Come for a night filled with great food, basket raffles, and good times!  Dinner will be served from 5:00-6:15PM and will include salad, breadsticks, pasta with red sauce, meatballs, and desserts..  Basket raffles will be called at 6:30PM.  Tickets available at the door!  $12/adults and $5/kids (cash, credit, or checks accepted).



Want to help with the event?? We are in need of basket raffle donations, baked goods, and volunteers to help set up and clean up!  Please email or text/call (440) 724-8962 to let us know how you can help!
