Our Story

Walker is a happy little 17-month-old boy. He enjoys playing outside, being chauffeured in the electric car by his brother and playing with cars and blocks.

We first noticed something off when he suddenly became jaundice one night. We then proceeded to take him to the local ED where we were instructed to go to the nearest pediatric hospital 3 hours away in Spokane. Walker’s liver functions were quickly deteriorating and not stabilizing with treatment there, so it was decided that we had to be life-flighted to Seattle Children’s Hospital for specialized treatment. Within a week Walker had to be placed on dialysis and CRT, as well as being put onto the transplant list for acute liver failure. He has now gotten a new liver and we could not be more thankful for the donor, all the amazing doctors, and team at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Walker is on the road to recovery now and is improving every day, and is returning to his happy self again now that he’s finally gotten out of the hospital bed.

We would love for anyone to donate to COTA for Team Walker. The continuing care for Walker includes staying in Seattle (4 hours from home) for the next 2-3 months for follow up care and precautions for rejection, travel expenses for each parent staying with Walker while the other is home, working, and caring for his older brother, lodging, groceries, and other necessities that will be needed. 

The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) helps children and young adults who need a life-saving transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family support. COTA is the nation’s only fundraising organization solely dedicated to raising life-saving dollars in honor of transplant-needy children and young adults. 100% of each contribution made to COTA in honor of our patients helps meet transplant-related expenses. COTA’s services are free to our families, and gifts to COTA are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.