Our Story

Abbey has a CPA1 genetic mutation which causes her to have chronic pancreatitis. She has been selected by the Cincinnati Children’s Pancreatic team to have a TP-IAT on 8/1/23. This is a major surgery that is giving our family some relief after 2 years of uncertainty with Abbey’s health. Here is her story... As an infant Abbey was what doctors called a happy spitter, meaning she would spit up after...

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Abbey Marx

McKinney, TX

Transplant Type: Islet Cell

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $75,000.00

Raised: $17,372 of $75,000 goal

Raised by 53 contributors


1 Month


We are 36 days post Total Pancreatectomy with inlet auto transplant. Abbey has been regaining all her energy and gaining energy I didn’t know she had in her.... Continue Reading »

Post surgery




As a result of Abbeys transplant she immediately came out of surgery as a diabetic. During her surgery one of the organs they removed was her pancreas. The... Continue Reading »

Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES)


Okay it’s been a few days but I think we are finally at a good place. The last few days have been crazy. Abbey was finally transferred to... Continue Reading »

Day 11 post Surgery : huh?


Abbey went from walking, bending, and almost running around the hospital on Thursday to bed ridden on Friday for basically the entire day. It's hard to explain in... Continue Reading »

The good comes the bad.


We have good days we have had days. Today was a bad day. We are 10days out of surgery and have had a few complications that Abs is... Continue Reading »

Pain pain go away


Day 5-5.33. It has been a hard nearly 48hrs for our Abs. Aside from the immense pain she is going through she started vomiting yesterday. Though vomiting is... Continue Reading »

Day 4?


Day 4? 5? 27? Who really knows any more. Dad, Mom , and Auntie hit a new level of exhaustion today.  We are tired from lack or sleep,... Continue Reading »

Post surgery day 2


Our girl continues to show how strong she is! After a long night of off and on discomfort, she started becoming more aware of everything. Couple of tweaks... Continue Reading »