Blog sobre su campaña de recaudación de fondos en el sitio web de COTA

Has your COTA campaign team posted on the COTA website blog yet? The benefit of blogging about your COTA patient’s transplant journey is twofold. First, COTA patients and/or families can document the journey and, in the future, can reread those posts to look back on the experience. Second, blogs allow supporters ‘a glimpse’ into the COTA patient’s (and family’s) transplant journey. While there is no ‘right way’ to approach blogging, here are some suggestions to help you get started.

Blog for Yourself First.  Ignore the fact that anyone else will read what you write. Focus on your thoughts and experiences, and figure out how to put those into words. Be true to your voice. There is no need to be ‘professional’ or use ‘big words’ to impress others. Write like you talk.

Write from Experience.  Write about hospital visits. Provide health updates. Promote COTA fundraising activities. Thank your supporters. Celebrate milestones. Offer a look into your COTA family’s day-to-day life. Do not feel obligated to share everything, but do not be afraid to simply blog about what is happening with your COTA patient and family.

Get Ideas from Your Audience.  Are you being asked the same questions consistently? Or being asked interesting questions you never thought to share? Blog your answers. If one person is curious, chances are dozens more will be, too.

Post Consistently.  Blog as often as time allows. Try posting once a month or even once a week. Sitting in the waiting room? Post a quick blog. Lying in bed with recurring thoughts? Blog. The more frequently you blog, the more followers and supporters you will gain.

Include a Call-to-Action.  Always finish your blog posts with some kind of call-to-action to follow your Facebook page and/or donate to your COTA community campaign. Include a sentence like “P.S. We would love for you to join our journey on Facebook.” or “Please consider donating to COTA in honor of our COTA patient to help give hope.”

Share Each Blog Post on Social Media.  Upon publishing a new blog post, be sure to share the link on all COTA campaign social media platforms. Social media is an excellent way to notify supporters of the latest update. Share the link with an introduction that includes a brief overview of the blog post or a quote from it, along with a phrase like “check out our latest blog post.”

Please visit the “Website Coordinator” tab in the For Volunteers section of for more information on personalizing the COTA campaign website. Contact with any questions.

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Fundraising for Transplant-Related Expenses

COTA can help remove the financial barriers to a life-saving transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family support.