Clay has a donor!!!…and a surgery date!!!

An update on Clay’s Journey written by Rachel Balson. 

I sit here with tears of gratitude and amazement in my eyes as I write this. This story could have been written by none other than God Himself. He’s always at work in ways we can’t even comprehend.

9 years ago I saw this little boy for the first time in the airport when his parents brought him home upon his adoption from China. Clay Benson was 4 and spoke no English but was a joy-filled, happy, adorable child and I quickly grew to love him. I had been a part of Benson family and have continued to be over the years- traveling, working, living with for a time, spending holidays and birthdays together, babysitting, and watching the kids that I once babysat as toddlers grow into young adults.

During that time, I never imagined where we’d be today.

Today Clay is in kidney failure. It happened abruptly back in April and stemmed from issues he was born with. He began dialysis and the process started to get him a kidney transplant. Docs said to expect to wait at least 2 years for one.

Knowing nothing about donating organs, only that it was somehow possible to give a kidney, I felt like God was leading me to put my name is as a potential donor so I did. For some reason at that point I figured there was slim chance I’d even be a match, much less be approved to give.

Much to my surprise, I was contacted to start the testing process. They found I was a match with Clay and then had me do over 12 other tests in the last 4 months to be sure I was healthy enough to give and live with one kidney. The thoroughness they take in this process has amazed me! The chances kept rising of me being the donor as test after test showed up positive-until I got the call- I’ve been miraculously approved to be the donor!!! So many emotions ran through me as I processed the news. To be able to give to someone this close to my heart is truly amazing.

God is constantly showing me more of Himself and this situation is no exception. I make my plans but the Lord determines my steps and when I make the choice to willingly follow Him it’s exciting to see what He does. It’s amazing to me that something like living organ donation is even possible. I’ve had to wrap my mind around what it means to undergo this transplant and I’m 100% ready to move forward with it. The more I’ve found out about it, the more I’m ready to do it and can truly say I have no hesitations.

Surgery is scheduled for January 24, 2020. That’s less than 2 weeks away! I would appreciate your prayers for Clay, the Benson family, and myself as we undergo the surgery and recovery.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above” James 1:17

Make a donation for 20$ or more today and get your pray for clay T-shirt’s. Hendersonville NC, Stay tuned for more info about a T-shirt pick up night at CFA (52 Highland square dr.) sometime in the next 2 weeks. Let’s all wear our shirts and pray for Clay and Rachel on January 24th!

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