Day 273 – Mr. Popular

Mr. Popular had a great visit at the Day Hospital today. In addition to snuggling with several of his favorite nurses, Everett’s hemoglobin, platelets, and white blood cell results looked the best they have in months!

Additionally, for the first time since March, no schistocytes (shredded red blood cells) could be seen under the microscope. This is an amazing milestone for Everett, and we are definitely celebrating every little piece of good news we can!

Unfortunately, his 9-month immune function is still incredibly poor, but that is expected considering all of the suppressing medications he has needed over the past 3 months.










Everett Staruk

Middletown, MD

Transplant Type: Stem Cell

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $100,000.00

Raised: $92,375 of $100,000 goal

Raised by 196 contributors

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