
Update 12/30/20

In October of 2019, Ewan entered Children’s Hospital in Detroit to begin his journey in search of a life saving heart transplant. On June 15, 2020 he was...

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Ewan comes home!

Update 7/27/20 In early July, after 9 months in the hospital, and a mere 23 days after receiving his new heart, Ewan was able to return home. . ...

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Ewan Update July 2020

Ewan is making remarkable progress, a short 3 weeks after receiving his new heart.  His feeding tube is out, and he’s feeding himself.  He’s also having physical therapy...

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Ewan Has His New Heart!

Ewan Has His New Heart! In the early morning hours of Saturday June 13th, Ewan was prepared for surgery to receive his new donor heart. The transplant was...

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Heart Found for Ewan!

Ewan’s family prayers have been answered. On June 12, a compatible heart was found for Ewan. Surgery will be either tonight or tomorrow. Updates will be provided when...

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Update on Ewan May 2020

Ewan continues to make progress while awaiting a heart. Either mom or dad is with him at the hospital most of the time.  He’s gained weight and is...

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Ewan and his family continue to wait patiently for a donor heart. Ewan has been off the transplant list twice in the past 45 days; once for complications...

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Charity Hockey Game Update

Charity Hockey Game UpdateDue to issues surrounding the Corona Virus, and in the best interest of the general public, the Charity Hockey Game between the Farmington Hills FIre...

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Ewan Ormerod

Farmington Hills, MI

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $100,000.00

Raised: $68,782 of $100,000 goal

Raised by 523 contributors