Being a heart transplant recipient is like riding on a rollercoaster. Literally. About a year ago, when Ivy’s heart was failing and she was waiting for her transplant, she made a bucket list of goals to accomplish and things she promised herself to achieve and experience once she had a second chance at life with a new healthy heart. One very important experience on the list was riding on a rollercoaster. See, since she received her pacemaker at 11-years-old, she had been advised that it would be dangerous to ride on some amusement park rides because of the possible stress on her heart and strong magnets in the mechanics. Well, this last week, she was gifted a Knott’s Berry Farm annual pass and she and her friends got to enjoy the park after school. Ivy rode not only one rollercoaster, but three! Besides feeling a little terrified and nauseous, she and her new heart had a great time!

The other reason having a heart transplant is like riding on rollercoaster is because of the unpredictability of your health. Although Ivy is feeling good for the most part, back in school, working part time, and trying to enjoy life, she is reminded of her weak and compromised immune system all of the time. For example, the very next day after the Knott’s visit, she came down with some kind of virus that has kept her home all weekend. This is probably the fourth time already this fall that she has been sick and ends up missing out on attending school, work, and social events with friends and family. It continues to be a struggle to keep up with homework and have a positive outlook when all you have to look forward to is more doctor’s office visits and medicines to try to feel better. We appreciate your continued positive prayers, thoughts and good energy for Ivy. Thank you!


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