Medical Update!

Update from Jaxon’s mom:

Earlier this month, Jaxon spent 2 days in the city at Luries having tests done.
Jax had an EGD to check on his esophagus disease and also to check to see if he had anymore varices that needed to be banded from his liver disease. It went well!! The endoscopic specialist was able to get biopsies (which hasn’t been done since 2018 in fear they would cause more varices) and for the first time in a long time there were NO varices (similar to little aneurisms in the esophagus) so he didn’t need any banding and was able to go home!

Jaxon also had imaging to see if he is a candidate for a shunt surgery. This surgery would redirect the blood flow from his liver and hopefully reduce or eliminate his portal hypertension which would then hopefully reduce his spleen size. His spleen is currently sitting about 6 fingers below his ribcage and is unprotected. This could also delay his liver transplant for quite awhile.

Now we wait for the results of the imaging!

Thank you to everyone who has kept Jaxon in their prayers. Seeing as how we didn’t even know this surgery was a possibility until recently, I would say those prayers (and modern medicine) are working! And thank you to Jaxon’s resilient body that keeps defying all odds and expectations!!

2 years ago we were told he would be transplanted by now and just look at him thriving and living his life to the fullest!



Jaxon Dill

Oswego, IL

Transplant Type: Kidney & Liver

Transplant Status: Waiting for Transplant

Goal: $60,000.00

Raised: $56,385 of $60,000 goal

Raised by 346 contributors

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