Jen’s Transplant Surgery was a Success!

All the reasons other transplant centers across the country turned her down, including that they’d have to take out her esophagus and she’d never be able to eat again by mouth, were unfounded! Thanks to the brilliant surgeons at NYU Langone Health!

Jen was taken off the breathing tube connected to a ventilator machine she was on during surgery on Tuesday, August 20th. She was, unfortunately, unable to breathe as well as believed, so she was intubated and put back on a ventilator machine on Friday, August 23, so her new lungs could work more efficiently.

Now, we wait again…

Jen Dunlea

Narberth, PA

Transplant Type: Lung

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $250,000.00

Raised: $68,045 of $250,000 goal

Raised by 196 contributors

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