
Lawson’s recovery process from the transplant has been very positive so far. He was removed from the vent on June 26 and Mommy updated all of us on July 2 with this update: 

This week Lawson has made some huge gains! It all started with getting off the vent on Monday. He was then able to remain off the vent, but did require more oxygen support than the low flow offered. He has been on the high flow machine since Tuesday morning. They have recently been able to start weaning the amount of oxygen given. He is down to about 32% oxygen, which isn’t too much more than the amount of oxygen in room air. (21%) once he is able to get a little closer to the 21%, they will begin weaning the amount of pressure put out. Right now he is on 12. To get to the low flow machine he needs to be on 4. Our next goal will be to get low enough to go upstairs to the 9th floor, and out of the ICU. I am hearing that requires him to be on no kore than 2 liters of oxygen support.

He also has healed enough for the ace bandage to come off, and he has had about 1/2 of his staples removed from his incision. They were able to take out his NG tube mid week since it started draining more.

He also is looking back to normal after being on lasix for a few days. He has even been smiling and started chewing on his pacifier today!

On July 4, we received a picture of Lawson…. smiling!

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