Our Story

Mason and his twin sister, Melody, were born 6 weeks early, causing them to spend the first month of their life in the NICU. Mason was diagnosed with a rare life threatening disease called Biliary Atresia at 9 weeks old.  He underwent an emergency surgery (the kasai procedure) in hopes of buying him more time before requiring a liver transplant. His first year of life was quite rough, fighting several...

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Mason Young

Crescent City, CA

Transplant Type: Liver

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $60,000.00

Raised: $27,561 of $60,000 goal

Raised by 116 contributors




Update from Masons mom 12/26 8:30am Mason is still fighting. He stayed stable through the night. He had one moment of elevated stats when the sedation started to... Continue Reading »

Thank You


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Checked In


This week has been a very exciting week for Mason. On Friday at 9:30am Mason will be going in for his liver transplantđź’š His family is asking for... Continue Reading »

Great day for a bake sale


Hawaii bound


Masons Make a Wish was granted! In just a short 30 days Mason will be heading to Hawaii to go see Dr. Dembinski & swim with the sea... Continue Reading »

Mason is back at UCSF for routine endoscope


Prayers please, that his varices bandings are looking good, and no additional bandings are needed. Continue Reading »

Mason on the news


Tonight November 7th at 6pm & 11pst on ABC 23, and on FOX 28 at 10pm pst you can watch Mason & his mom Kelsee talk about Mason's... Continue Reading »