So much has changed in between these two photos. That big bellied, yellow baby got a miracle just 1 day after that photo was taken. My goodness, I’m shocked it’s already been 3 months.
Every day we just marvel at the miracle of organ donation. Moriah is a drastically different child. She was always a very happy girl. But now, she is VIBRANT, sassy, clever, silly, and so curious about all the things. She’s gaining weight and growing so well. Even her hair color has changed so much. Just look at that before photo. Liver babies tend to have this silvery gray-brown hair. Within 24 hours of her transplant, we noticed her hair color changing and thought we were crazy. But we weren’t. Your hair needs energy and nutrients to grow and be healthy. Now she is actually absorbing all of those vitamins and nutrients from the food that she eats and the milk she drinks. We are ever so grateful for her second chance at life.
Please say a prayer for her donor family. My heart aches for them often. I’m eternally grateful that Moriah was able to get a new liver. Even so, the heaviness weighs on me often that another mama lost her precious baby and saved mine.