Our Story

In July 2016, Samuel was admitted to the hospital with decreased kidney function, severe anemia and dehydration.  Many tests later revealed that a disfunctional bladder was mostly to blame as nerves weren’t telling the brain to empty the bladder.  The urine, given nowhere to go, was pushed back up into the kidneys which caused damage.  He was started on a regimen of medications and catherizations to keep urine from doing any more damage and to support the function of his kidneys.

After three years of stability, Sam’s function has decreased rapidly in recent months and was scheduled for transplant on September 11, 2019 at the University of California at San Francisco – one of the top ranked transplant centers in the country.  Unfortunately, Samuel contracted a kidney infection and was hospitalized for 3 days and released on antibiotics.  Sam’s father, Skip, was schduled to give one of his kidneys to his son but after latest lab work, is unable to donate.  The family is now looking into third party living and deceased donors.  Please keep our family in prayer as we face this trial, transplant, and post-surgery life.  Our faith in Christ Jesus makes us strong!

Samuel is the fourth of five children born to Skip and Terri.  He and his siblings are homeschooled in Idaho.  Sam loves hiking, downhill skiing (Tamarack!), legos, drawing and painting and playing with friends.  

We want to thank everyone who has prayed, donated or supported our family.  We feel blessed!  We trust that all things happen for a reason and that Samuel’s story may touch the lives of others and bring glory to Jesus Christ.  Please continue to pray for Samuel and our family, for a successful transplant and quick recovery.  Thanks for being on this journey with us.

6 thoughts on “Our Story

  1. I will be holding Samuel in pray. We know the Lord has his hand on him. Praying for all the family as I know this is hard on everyone.

  2. Dear Sam, you are constantly in our prayers. At the inn, we have created a "fundraiser" for you and your expenses. Shauna Arnold created a book about "Baa" & her little girl, who now is 20 yr old. It comes with a lovable little lamb named "Baa". Shauna is giving us the book at her cost. Her parents are giving the plush lambs. Ashley Inn is going to match every dollar contributed for the set of book & lamb. We love you and your family so much.

  3. In our prayers for ALL of you.. God is in control but it’s hard because we are human.

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