
Savannah got a G button

Savannah had surgery this morning.  No more feeding tube.  She now has a G button because she doesn't eat enough on her own.  She is doing great!

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Savannah is 6 months old!!

Savannah has been having great reports at the doctors visits.  She is getting big and stronger everyday. She is 17 lbs 8.4 ounces and 26 inches long now....

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Savannah is HOME!!

Today is the day!! After 127 days in the hospital, sweet Savannah is going home for the first time This has been an incredibly rough 4 months, full of...

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Savannah coming home soon

Change of plans with Savannah. Instead of the button in her abdomen, her doctor and transplant coordinator are graciously letting us go home with the NG tube. See...

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From Mom: She did ok with the surgery, they are putting the ng back in, but not the tpt because they think the hydrocephalus is what caused the...

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Savannah MRI

04/12/2020: Savannah is having an MRI in the morning, they think she has fluid on brain that isn't draining well. They may have to place a shunt in...

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Savannah needs prayers

Savannah has a rough couple of days, she has vomited a couple of times so they're holding her feedings for now and checking to see if the ng...

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