Daniel 3 Months Out

We are sorry it has been awhile since our last blog but wanted to give everyone a three month update. Daniel has been doing very well from a physical standpoint with his new heart. His check ups have had good news as far as his function goes and no signs of rejection at this time. He will be undergoing another biopsy of his heart in July around the 25th or 26th. The hardest part for him has been the “House Arrest” that the transplant team has him on to prevent infection from occurring while his immune system is so suppressed. Having been in hospital since the end of last year created a real struggle from a social aspect. Thankfully, many of you have reached out to him by cards, emails, texts, and even visits. His transplant team is allowing us to screen visitors so that over the summer he can have some of his college friends over. He meets with a good friend and elder once a week to have someone to rtalk to that’s not family. Two of the elders came to our home and served him communion because he unable to attend church until August. Daniel continues to work on his school work to complete his studies from the Spring Semester. He hopes to complete all of these classes by the end of July. If you get a chance I have posted an update on Facebook as well with a thank you to everyone who has donated and assisted with Daniel’s COTA for Team Daniel S events. We have sent out cards and letters of thanks but there were many anonymous donations as well and we want to express our gratitude for your support. We will be pushing one more event to raise the additional money to meet the fundraising goal by August. Daniel feels truly blessed by your thoughts, prayers, and support as your love has been overwhelming.

Larry N Bettina Smith’s Facebook

Daniel 3 Mths Post Heart Transplant


5 thoughts on “Daniel 3 Months Out

  1. Daniel you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Sweetie you are missed and loved by all of us at The Church at Medowlake. We are so proud of all you have accomplished. Remember the Lord is with you and he loves you unconditionally.
    All the Best
    Ms Fran

  2. Hi Daniel. We are lifting you up to thrcLord daily and God has you in the palm of His hand. You are an amazing young man and
    God will use your testimony to further His Kingdom.
    Keep strong in your faith and always trust the Lord for all things.
    Praying you will finish up your class work. We love you, Daniel.????????

  3. Daniel, so thrilled to see the way you have leaned on the Lord during this particularly stressful time and all your life. Amazing that you have made such an effort to keep up with school work. You are an inspiration. Praying for your contentment., Ruby Hill

  4. Daniel, I have been very negligent about keeping in touch, but I wanted you to know that I pray for your continued healing and "house arrest" almost every day. I know God has great plans for you. This is your time of trial. I pray that God is glorified in it.

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