Oct 22nd 2018 Update

This is the liver pillow that was given to Emma by her team after her transplant

We are so happy to be back home and have been spending the past week trying to settle in and enjoy being all together as a family again! Emma will have follow up appointments at Duke at least once a week (often more) for the next several months, but eventually these will be spaced out more. The team continues to be pleased with her progress and we continue to be overjoyed with every smile and giggle she gives us! She has already had a hiccup or two in her recovery, which has been a little hard on our hearts, but her doctors assure us that this is all normal and just part of the journey. Emma is on several medications right now, one of these being a medicine that suppresses her immune system so that her body will not reject her liver. Over time her dose will decrease, but it is very high right now because she is a baby and is also so close to transplant, making her very susceptible to germs. The next several months while Emma’s immune system is compromised the most we are going to be very cautious about where she goes and who she is around. Please help us with this by not visiting if you have recently been sick, because even a little cold can turn into a big challenge for Emma.

I don’t think it’s possible to ever say “thank you” enough for all of the love and support that has been, and continues to be shown to our family! Emma’s journey has been life changing for us all… and even though it has definitely been hard at times, and I know there will still be rough patches in the future, the good that has come from this by far outweighs the bad

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