Our Story

Ezra Patterson is a 4-year-old rambunctious boy full of life! His current loves in life are his sisters, balls, fire trucks and Spider Man. He loves laughing and playing chase. He also loves snuggling with his mommy. Ezra resides in Springtown, Texas, and is being raised by a single mom, Krystal Patterson, who is doing a fantastic job juggling life and kids given multiple unfortunate circumstances. Ezra gets to spend his days with his mommy; big sister Serinity, who is 10 with mental disabilities; and another sister, Paislee, who is 20 months old with multiple Genetic Anomaly’s.

When Ezra was born in March of 2016, he was diagnosed with several issues. He was born with small kidneys that have multiple functional issues such as Posterior Urethral Valves, which ultimately has caused him to be born with End Stage Renal Disease. He was born in stage V of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). He also has osteodystrophy, hyperparathyroidism, hypospadias, anemia, and a heart murmur.

Doctors did not think this little guy was going to make it, but God had bigger plans! Ezra will need a life-saving kidney transplant. Until then, Ezra gets dialysis! He does in-home Peritoneal Dialysis 12 hours every night, which confines him to his bed. Also, due to having the kidney disease, he has oral aversion issues and has been tube fed since he was around 3 months of age. He gets fed formula throughout the day and gets longer feeds at night via a feeding pump he is hooked up to. He also takes daily medications to keep his kidneys working the best they can until we he weighs enough for a kidney transplant — which he is currently going through transplant work-up so he can be fully listed. He sees 5 different specialists, does physical therapy and speech!

We finally got listed for transplant on 6/3/2019 and we couldn’t be more excited for the next step in our journey, but we need your help! Our goal is to raise money for COTA in honor of Ezra to assist with transplant-related expenses. He will have to stay in the hospital for a while once the transplant is complete and mom will need to be close by. There are a lot of costs that go into a transplant, which is why Ezra’s family partnered with COTA, a nonprofit that helps children and young adults who need a life-saving transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family support. This family needs all the help they can get to make this as successful as possible for little Ezra!

On June 16, 2020, we got the call that forever changed our lives and he was transplanted the next day on the 17th. With transplant came even more costs than we could imagine. So donations for COTA are needed now more than ever. 

We are still trying to raise an estimated $50,000 for COTA in honor of Ezra. We are so thankful to all who have supported us throughout our journey and a special shout out to all of the people who have donated to COTA, as well as all of the wonderful people that have contributed in other ways to help out.

2 thoughts on “Our Story

  1. hello,
    I saw your post on Facebook and it was like I wrote it myself. Our son Karsen was born Feb. 2016 and also has the same health issues as your son. Kidney disease stage 5 and the same bladder problems. Sept 2018 he received his new kidney from his dad my husband. Before the transplant he also didn’t eat was fed by gt and didn’t talk also. But now he eats everything orally and only takes meds plus the 2 litres of fluid he needs every day. And he is talking non stop. So we are praying for you. It is a hard journey but have hope that it does get better. God is so much bigger then all of this and he does have amazing plans for his children. Have faith and know you can just rest in him for strength. We wouldn’t of survived with out him. If you ever want to chat. Feel free message.

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