Our Story

Jackson was born with only one kidney (a condition that was detected in a prenatal ultrasound), and that kidney’s function was impacted by something called multi-cystic kidney disease.

While he was growing up, Jackson was a regular at The Children’s Hospital in Denver getting lab work and check-ups every 3-4 months with a wonderful pediatric nephrologist. As parents, we learned that not only do the kidneys help rid the body of waste, but they also help control blood pressure and the body’s growth. Because of this, high blood pressure medication was added to his regimen and he began growth hormone injections, as his body was not growing at the rate it should be.

When Jackson went off to Kindergarten, we did not want him to be treated or looked at any differently because of his condition. We just wanted him to be a ‘normal’ kid. Because of this strategy, most people were unaware of everything he was enduring: the daily medications, regular doctor visits, blood draws every 3 months, etc.  Jackson was able to participate in sports he loved (basketball and baseball) – to the outsider he looked just like every other kid!  We were so grateful for each year that passed without needing the inevitable transplant. Jackson went on to become an honors student, a letter-winning varsity athlete, an awardee for his teamwork, ethic, and attitude, and a high school graduate near the top of his class. He was thrilled when he as accepted into the college of his choice, Butler University.

While enjoying his first year of college, Jackson’s kidney function began to decline. A transplant surgery was set …. and then the pandemic hit.  The surgery was cancelled.  Once classes could be held on campus again, he longed to go back to finish his degree and graduate with his friends.  He was able to complete his studies and graduated this past May, 2022, with a major in Statistics and minors in Data Science and Computer Science.  We so admire his strength and resilience in accomplishing this goal – all while operating with about 15% of just one kidney.

In preparing for a transplant, the doctors’ appointments, pokes, prods, and tests were plenty.  Lucky for our family – his dad, Brady, is a match and will be a kidney donor!  We are incredibly thankful and blessed.  The transplant surgery is scheduled for November 21st.  After the procedure, Jackson will have multiple follow up doctor appointments and be on a myriad of anti-rejection medications for the rest of his life. 

Now that he is a college graduate, Jackson will be entering the adult world and will inherit a lifetime of medical expenses.  The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) is an organization that helps children and young adults establish a fund whereby transplant recipients can benefit from the donations of others.  Those donations would then be used to pay for the medications and doctor’s appointments associated with his ongoing care. 

COTA is the nation’s only fundraising organization solely dedicated to raising life-saving dollars in honor of transplant recipients.  They ensure that 100% of each contribution made to COTA in honor of their patients helps them meet their transplant-related expenses. COTA’s services are free to our families, and gifts to COTA are tax deductible.

22 thoughts on “Our Story

  1. We are praying for Jackson and everyone who is waiting for a transplant, the good news is that your kidneys are compatible. We are always ready to help you.

  2. We are praying for Jackson and everyone who is waiting for a transplant, the good news is that your kidneys are compatible. We are always ready to help you.

  3. Please let us know how can we help, we wish the Best for your son and for You, everything Will be fine.!!!!!!!

  4. Please let us know how can we help, we wish the Best for your son and for You, everything Will be fine.!!!!!!!

  5. Jackson is a very strong young man. I have faith that he will continue to grow even stronger. Brady, I have always known that you are a wonderful, caring, giving man. Bless you! Love the Stroup family. ??????

  6. Jackson is a very strong young man. I have faith that he will continue to grow even stronger. Brady, I have always known that you are a wonderful, caring, giving man. Bless you! Love the Stroup family. ??????

  7. Praying for Jackson and your family. Jackson will be fine. Let us know how we can help further.

  8. Praying for Jackson and your family. Jackson will be fine. Let us know how we can help further.

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