Welcome to Kaden’s World

Welcome to Kaden’s blog! This 6 month and 2 day journey (184 days) has been filled with a rollercoaster of emotions, but with the endless prays and support of family and friends; Kaden and I have made it through.

Kaden’s daily rountine is pretty basic. He wakes up eats breakfast, gets his bath and dressing change. He plays with his Paw Patrol’s and Patrol Station, Spiderman, Mr. Incredible, and with his “AB” (IPad). He eats his lunch (favorite meal: pizza, fries with chocolate chip cookie), plays some more, eats his dinner and plays until he is ready for bed. 

Kaden LOVES to watch the helicopter land on the landing pad across the street. He enjoys his daily walks around the unit always greeting the Dr.’s and nurses with a warm smile. Kaden is full of energy and there is never a dull moment when he is in your presence.

We would like to thank you for your donations to COTA in honor of Kaden and your support. This blog will be updated every other day. Please say hello and leave some encouraging words when you visit the site. 


6 thoughts on “Welcome to Kaden’s World

  1. Hi Mom and Kaden!! We love you all so much. Amazed by the strength from the both of you. We will continue to pray for you all and see you both soon!! ????????

  2. Hi Mom and Kaden!! We love you all so much. Amazed by the strength from the both of you. We will continue to pray for you all and see you both soon!! ????????

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