Did you know that nearly one-third of annual giving occurs during the month of December?
End-of-the-year charitable tax deductions motivate many to make gifts at this time of year. During these December days remember that many are making decisions regarding contributions to worthy causes, and your COTA community campaign can benefit from this generosity.
Here is how:
Share the story of your COTA community campaign often throughout the holidays using a variety of methods. People are busy during the holiday season and need plenty of reminders to make a gift to your COTA community campaign.Consider using email, your COTA campaign website, and other electronic communications, like Facebook and Instagram, to encourage online giving to COTA in honor of your child or young adult.
Make sure your COTA campaign website is updated. Before making a contribution, many supporters will explore the COTA community campaign website for more information. Update the blog, upload photos and post information about upcoming events so others will learn more about your COTA patient and the COTA fundraising campaign.
Make a specific ask with a dollar amount that encourages a larger gift. If you just ask for a ‘generous contribution,’ your supporters are likely to contribute less than if you were to ask for a specific amount. Plus, if you ask for an ‘oddball’ amount that has importance, then supporters are likely to round up — for example, asking for $17 in honor of your COTA patient being transplanted on the 17th will likely round up to $20. ‘Asks’ for $20 or less generate more success!
Thank your contributors. Let your COTA contributors know their support matters. Consider having the COTA family and/or patient share a blog or video thanking contributors for their life-saving gifts. The more personal the ‘thanks,’ the more connected supporters will feel.
Remember to send all email messages, social media posts and printed materials to CampaignInfo@cota.org for approval before sharing them. Feel free to contact CampaignInfo@cota.org with any questions.