Our Story

Just after Christmas 2021, Amanda had emergency surgery to have her small intestines removed.  Her small intestine had twisted upon itself, cutting off its blood supply and causing it to die.  Since it is the intestines that supply nutrition to the body, Amanda needed a new way to receive nutrition.  She now receives TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) 20 hours a day through an intravenous line (PICC line) in her arm. ...

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DC Surgery Anniversary


It has been a little over a year since Amanda had the surgery to reconnect her remaining small bowel to her colon at the recommendation of her doctors... Continue Reading »



A Special Thanksgiving!


Amanda has made good progress in healing from her surgery and has been getting much better rest at night.  She was able to have her feeding tube removed... Continue Reading »



Beyond Grateful


Almost nine months ago Amanda had emergency surgery to remove most of hersmall bowel. It has been a hard journey, often discouraging and overwhelming,but in the midst of... Continue Reading »

Last Week of the Cota Challenge!


Almost to the $50,000 challenge goal and only need $244.00.This is simply amazing and encouraages us so much.  Please consider donating on through the Give tab on this... Continue Reading »

Announcing the COTA Challenge Grant


***Announcing the COTA  Grant*** If donations to COTA for Amandas Hope reaches $50,000 by September 13, COTA will award an additional $5000 Grant to the account.  Family and friends have... Continue Reading »

Road Home and more Recovery


Road to Reconnection – Our Month in D.C.


We began our drive to Georgetown on July 14th for Amanda’s surgery to reconnect her remaining small bowel and colon.  The surgery was scheduled for July 18th and... Continue Reading »