Our Story

At our 20 week anatomy scan, we were told our baby had a heart defect, and would likely need surgery shortly after birth to correct this condition. There was a lot of back and forth about what type of defect he had because it was very difficult to diagnose even with the countless echocardiograms and ultrasounds. On April 4th, 2023, Cam Elliot was born at UAMS in Little Rock and...

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3rd Clinic Visit Post Hospital


Cam is snoozing right through his weekly echo. We are getting the hang of the weekly trip to and from Little Rock. 3 hours is a LONG car... Continue Reading »

We are home!


we are home and Cam and brother are adjusting well. ♥️ we made the trip back to LR for our first clinic visit this week and Cam did... Continue Reading »

Cam is out of surgery


Cam is out of surgery and resting. He did so well! He is a little angry and fussy for good reason, having 3 procedures done at once. Please... Continue Reading »

First Cath and Biopsy


Cam did great with his first heart cath post transplant! They did have to make some repairs and may have to do more in the future. His first... Continue Reading »

Prayers Please


Cam Elliot will go for his first of many, Heart Cath and Biopsy procedures tomorrow. Please pray that Cam's new heart is perfect and that his body shows... Continue Reading »

Cam’s first Christmas 🎄




Cam got to start small feeds into his belly this morning through an NG tube. So far he has tolerated this very well and will hopefully continue to... Continue Reading »

OFF Oxygen!!


THANK YOU JESUS!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 Cam is officially off of oxygen and is tolerating very well so far! One less set of tubes on his handsome little face. He... Continue Reading »

Cam is loving his new heart! ♥️


We are so thankful for this life changing organ donation. Cam has got to finally be a normal baby. He’s sitting in a high chair and can see... Continue Reading »