
Bumps in the transplant road

(This is being written from my mom, Ashli's, point of view)I knew transplant wouldn't be the cure all to our problems. I am a bone marrow transplant nurse....

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First Baby Picture!

My parents had to do IVF after a miscarriage, followed by an ectopic pregnancy resulting in a ruptured fallopian tube, causing my mom to need emergency surgery. This...

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Anatomy scan to birth

My parents learned at my twenty week ultrasound - the one they thought finding out the sex of the baby was the biggest news they’d get - that...

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My NICU stay

When I got to the NICU the surgeon was assessing my intestines and was placing them in a silo - a tube that holds them above my body...

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Therapies post NICU

After coming home from the NICU - my therapies continued. Speech therapy (the feeding lady - as my dad called her), occupational therapy(the toy lady), early intervention (the...

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Small Bowel Obstruction

On November 1st, 2018, I started throwing up. My parents didn’t know what was wrong. My emesis slowly became darker and greener throughout the night. My parents drove...

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G tube Dependent

We were told by our renal dietitian that it was unlikely I would be able to meet my fluid goal orally, and that it’d be easier to get...

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Delayed for COVID19

First, the living donor program at the University of Utah stopped all living donor work ups. Without a known date of when things were going to resume. A...

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